Food Science Technology


Food science technologists apply basic science to ensure that food is safe, nutritious, and enjoyable. This program introduces students to the study of the chemical, biological, and physical makeup of food and the principles underlying food processing. Students will examine processing, packaging, distribution, and use of safe food as well as human nutritional needs. 

The Food Science Technology major prepares students for employment in the food industry in areas such as production, quality assurance, sanitation, research and development, and laboratory analysis.  

The AS Degree transfers to universities offering majors in food science. A 16-credit Food Science certificate is also offered within this degree plan.

NOTE:  See a Riverland advisor for information on prerequisite and transfer of courses. 

Location: Austin
Program Starts: Fall, Spring
Course Plan: Four Semesters
Nick Schiltz
Phone: 507-433-0657
Department: Agricultural Sciences

For in-depth information including outcomes, program fees, course descriptions, and more please visit the Food Science Technology program page at

Required Core Courses (16 credits)

FSCI1000 Principles of Food Science 4 CR
FSCI1015 Food Quality and Safety 3 CR
FSCI1030 Food Product Development 3 CR
FSCI1040 Food Processing 3 CR
BIOL1070 Human Nutrition (Goal 2 & 3) 3 CR

MnTC General Education Courses (44 credits)

CCLS1000 First Year Experience 1 CR
BIOL1091 General Biology I (Goal 2 & 3) 4 CR
BIOL1092 General Biology II (Goal 3 & 10) 4 CR
BIOL2040 General Microbiology (Goal 2 & 3) 4 CR
CHEM1121 General, Organic, and Biochemistry (Goal 3 & 10) 3 CR
PHYS1000 Introduction to Physics (Goal 2 & 3) 3 CR
ENGL1101 Composition I (Goal 1 & 2) 3 CR
HLTH1100 Health 3 CR
MATH1110 College Algebra (Goal 2 & 4) 3 CR
MATH2021 Fundamentals of Statistics 4 CR
PHIL1130 Ethics (Goal 6 & 9) 3 CR
SOCI1103 Social Problems (Goal 5 & 9) 3 CR
SPCH1100 Fundamentals of Speech (Goal 1 & 9) 3 CR
- Goal 5 - History and the Social & Behavioral Sciences 3 CR