Business - FlexPace Transfer Pathway


Working adults: complete your Associates degree with Riverland and Bachelor of Business Administration degree at MSU Mankato entirely online and with flexibility in your pace.

Check out our FlexPace AS Business Transfer Pathway Degree. If you are a first-time college student, you will start with our Business Certificate in the FlexPace program, where you will learn about business fundamentals in a fully online, one course at a time format. If you are transferring in previous credits, we will work with you to make the transition smooth and ensure that you only take the courses you need. Designed primarily for working adult learners, this 3 year, one-course-at-a-time, sequential model of courses includes an accelerated format and flexible due dates. We also have 2-year model that allows learners to take no more than two classes at a time.

Location: 100% Online
Program Starts: Fall
Course Plan: 8 Semesters
Faculty: Heather Earl | 507-379-3351 |

For in-depth information including outcomes, program fees, course descriptions, and more please visit the Business - FlexPace Transfer Pathway program page at

Flexpace Courses

ACCT2011 Principles of Financial Accounting 4 CR
ACCT2012 Principles of Managerial Accounting 4 CR
BUSA1002 Introduction to Online Learning 1 CR
BUSA1010 Introduction to Business 3 CR
BUSA1050 Personal Financial Management and Planning 3 CR
BUSA1060 Computer Concepts and Applications 3 CR
BUSA2032 Business Law - Legal Environment 3 CR
BUSA2043 Principles of Marketing 3 CR
BUSA2042 Principles of Management 3 CR
BUSA2050 Introduction to Management Information System 3 CR
ECON2291 Macroeconomics (Goal 5 & 8) 3 CR
ECON2292 Microeconomics (Goal 5 & 8) 3 CR
ENGL1101 Composition I (Goal 1 & 2) 3 CR
ENGL1105 Composition II: Research (Goal 1 & 2; Prereq ENGL1101) 3 CR
MATH1110 College Algebra (Goal 2 & 4) 3 CR
MATH2021 Fundamentals of Statistics (Goal 2 & 4) 4 CR
PHIL1130 Ethics (Goal 6 & 9) 3 CR
SOCI1101 Introduction to Sociology (Goal 5 & 7) 3 CR
SPCH1100 Fundamentals of Speech (Goal 1 & 9) 3 CR
THTR1100 Introduction to Theatre and Film (Goal 6 & 9) 3 CR