Department Goals

FY2023-24 Goals

  1. Secure Web Processes identified as possible Security Risks
    1. Web Directory
    2. Profiles
    3. Email Address Practices
    4. Web Processes
  2. Continue Web work to update CMS for Path specific Journeys.
    1. Customized Training
    2. Earn and Learn
    3. Adult Learner (language and pathways)
    4. Media Webpage (based on samples provided)
  3. Social Media/Interactive Media
    1. Continue to create Transfer Pathway videos for landing pages.
    2. Continue to create Career Tech videos for landing pages.
    3. Update older program videos, reshoot the videos, if necessary.
    4. Continue to enhance engagement on social media.
    5. Social Ambassadors: Work with work study student to create fun and engaging content.
    6. Learn how to encourage content creation from student’s perspective to share on social media.
    7. Enhance social media posts, frequency, engagement about upcoming open houses, events, career celebration months or weeks, and fall, spring, and summer sessions.
  4. Presidential Transition
    1. Transfer message styles to fit the communications style of the New President
      1. Announcement Structure
      2. e-publications
      3. Internal Communications Methods
      4. Media Procedures/Spokesperson
      5. Branding
      6. Internal/External Communications
      7. Sponsorships
  5. Informative Data
    1. Tie Enrollment to Budget (2,025 FYE)
    2. Revist Program Inquiry Process
    3. At a Glance Profiles

FY2022-23 Goals

  1. Hire, Train and Create Job Flow for the new Interactive Media Consultant
    1. Meet the needs of Government Relations Team during the legislatve season.
    2. Tell more personal student stories on our Web, social media and other mediums
    3. Provide some relief to the Communications team workload.
  2. CMS Journeys (Mura Update) Example: Adult Learners
    1. Create special journey paths for various audiences using the new updated CMS software. It’s new so we are only going to start with Adult Learners to separate their path from the traditional learners and meet them where they are.
    2. We will be limited on what we can do because we do not have many products or services set up for adult learners.

FY2021-22 Goals

  1. BRAND (implementation of strategic plan, financial sustainability)
    1. Brand Guidelines and approval process for college brand (protection)
    2. Address the program/dept Logo issues and its impact on the overall brand
    3. Diminish the use of older brand logos and materials.
    4. Community awareness

Related Document links: Branding Policy,  Visual Identity Standards,  Communications Style Guide 

  1. WEBSITE PROGRAM PAGES ENHANCEMENT (risk management, financial sustainability, diversity, student success)
    1. Keywords and alignment of search terms for each program area (SEO)
    2. A faculty profile and bio that can be used in conjunction with their related program pages. (Also, for internal/external communications communications) –partially done
    3. Program pages – more succinct descriptions (some have not been altered for years and audiences just don’t read them
    4. Explore using more video and motion on pages and research how effective that is (2 years)
    5. Take a look and share more Web analytics
    6. Incorporate Pathways and Liberal Arts more seamlessly into Information flow.

Related Documents: Web Analytics

  1. GENERAL PUBLIC AREA APPEARANCES (Brand) (student success, financial sustainability, diversity)
    1. Wall Art that has a collegiate feel and purpose.
    2. History—Try to incorporate history into buildings
    3. Cohesiveness – Try to build connections to other buildings/campuses in each building
    4. Brand awareness – i.e. drinking cups, wayfaring signage, clocks, trash bins, rugs, etc.
    5. Bulletin Boards and Tack strips—Is there something more collegiate feel/technically saavy
  1. MEDIA PROCEDURES UPDATE (miscellaneous)
    1. Re-evaluate media procedures and processes including ongoing update of distribution methods and lists. Revisit Media Relations protocols.
Media Contacts