Theme: Foster a mission-driven workplace culture across the institution that reflects the Heart of Riverland and promotes diversity, effectiveness, collaboration, and engagement.
WIG: Increase new unlimited full-time employee rolling 3-year retention rate from 73.76% to 76.0% by end of FY28.
THEME: Increase student success (retention, completion, transfer) of ALL Riverland students through best practices in and out of the classroom.
WIG: Improve overall student retention from 52% to 65% by end of FY27.
THEME: Foster stronger ties to the communities we serve through aligning academic programming to local workforce needs, increasing community engagement and visibility, and strengthening Riverland’s influence and contribution in key community organizations.
Increase number of industry partners and community engagement activities by 5% each year.
Theme: Develop a robust growth plan for the college that includes not only enrollment but strategic growth in revenue outside of tuition and state appropriations.
Explore the full overview [here] or [download our one-page summary] for a quick reference.
ACD – All College Day –A scheduled workday devoted to development activities for all Riverland faculty and staff
Age Structured Demographics – Systematic classification and analysis of student and community age groups and demographics, such as race and socio-economic status, to inform institutional strategies, academic programming, student support services, and workforce alignment. Riverland aspires for our student population to reflect the age structured demographics of our region.
Alternative Revenue – Sources of funding beyond traditional tuition and state funding, such as grants, rentals, leases, donations, and partnerships.
Closed Credit –Credits offered to students through contracts with external partners to provide credit courses that are only open to a select group of students. The students enrolled in these classes have all the benefits of any other Riverland student. These credits count toward degree completion.
Community Engagement - The intentional collaboration between the college and local communities—businesses, organizations, and residents—to foster meaningful partnerships that enhance student learning, workforce development, community enrichment, and regional interest and support of the college’s mission.
Demographics – Statistical data relating to student populations, including age, ethnicity, and socioeconomic background.
Equity Gap – Disparities in educational outcomes among different student groups, often based on race, income, or background.
Fall-to-Fall Retention – The percentage of students who continue their enrollment from one fall semester to the next.
FYE – Full Year Equivalent
Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI) – A college or university with an enrollment of at least 25% Hispanic students.
Minority Serving Institution – A designation for institutions that serve a significant percentage of minority students.
Noncredit Course/Program A course program that does not count toward a degree but may be taken for personal or professional development.
PACE – Personal Assessment of the College Environment - The PACE Climate Survey for Community Colleges is an evidence-based survey designed to assess employee perceptions and satisfaction with various aspects of the campus climate.
Q10 - Question 10 of the Pace Climate Survey: “Information is shared within this institution”
Q16 - Question 16 of the Pace Climate Survey: “Open and ethical communication is practiced at this institution”
Retention Rate: Percent of a fall cohort of undergraduates retained, graduated, or transferred by the next fall term following original fall enrollment. Retention can be defined as ‘registration for at least 1 for-credit course for the second fall term at Riverland Community College.’ Graduation can be defined as ‘Completion of any certificate, diploma, or degree program that is offered by Riverland, with the sole exception of the Farm Business Management Program.’ Transfer can be defined as registration for at least 1 for-credit course for the second fall term at any other college that reports to the National Student Clearinghouse.
Social Opportunities – Activities and events that promote employee social interaction and engagement.
Onboarding – The process of welcoming and integrating new students/employees into the college community through both formal and informal processes that provide the student/employee the tools and resources needed to navigate the college with increasing independence.
Student Retention – Efforts and strategies to support student persistence and completion of their programs.
Student Success – The achievement of academic, career, and personal goals by students through institutional support.