Title IX - Sexual Violence Prevention


Report an Offense

Sexual violence is an intolerable intrusion into the most personal and private rights of an individual, and it is prohibited at Riverland College. We are committed to eliminating sexual violence in all forms and will take appropriate remedial action against any individual found responsible for acts in violation of our policy. The Department of Education 2020 changes to Title IX regulations do not change this commitment.

“No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any educational program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.”

Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972, Public Law No. 92-318, 86 Stat. 235 codified at 20 U.S.C. Sections 1681-1688

Title IX & Sexual Offenses

Sexual assault can happen to you regardless of your gender, race, age, class, or sexual orientation. No one is entitled to another person’s body, even if the person is under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Types of sexual assault include:

  • Rape or forced sexual intercourse
  • Date rape
  • Marital rape
  • Attempted rape
  • Forced kissing
  • Groping
  • Harassment
  • Molestation
  • Incest
  • Child sexual abuse
  • Sexual exploitation
  • Sexual violence
  • Unwanted sexual contact or exposure
  • Abusing power for sexual acts
What is Title IX?

Title IX has become a powerful tool on college campuses for combatting sexual offenses and gender discrimination. While Title IX is widely known for it’s role in opportunities in athletics, the arm of Title IX reaches farther to affect pregnant, gender non-conforming, and any other student that feels opportunities, services, and environments were altered because of their gender. For more information on Title IX visit Know Your IX.

Sexual violence is an intolerable intrusion into the most personal and private rights of an individual and is prohibited at Riverland Community College. Riverland Community College is committed to eliminating sexual violence in all forms and will take appropriate remedial action against any individual found responsible for acts in violation of this policy. Acts of sexual violence may also constitute violations of criminal or civil law, or other Board Policies that may require separate proceedings. To further its commitment against sexual violence, Riverland Community College provides reporting options, an investigative and disciplinary process, and prevention training or other related services as appropriate in accordance with Title IX federal law.  

Title IX Coordinator

Heather Harms
Title IX Coordinator | Interim Dean of Students
Email: heather.harms@riverland.edu
Phone: (507) 433-0351
Building: Austin East C104


Reporting Sexual Offenses

File a complaint based on sexual misconduct here.

Reports may be made by:

  • An individual who has experienced sexual misconduct;
  • Anyone who receives a report from someone who experienced sexual misconduct; and/or
  • Anyone who witnesses or otherwise has information that sexual misconduct may have occurred.

Report an Offense

What if I experience a sexual Assault?
  1. Go to a safe place.
  2. Call 911 for immediate assistance. 
  3. For on campus assistance, contact the Safety Administrator, Mike Howe, at 507-433-0621, or Mike.Howe@riverland.edu; or the Interim Dean of Students Heather.Harms@riverland.edu.  They can assist you with filing a police report, if you choose to report to local police.
  4. Do not bathe, douche, use the toilet, or change clothing. Timely and prompt reporting of a sexual assault is critical in preserving evidence and is important in proving a criminal case against the assailant.
  5. Seek medical attention immediately regardless of whether you report the matter to the police. Local hospitals include: Austin Medical Center-Mayo Health, 101 14th St NW, Austin, MN 55912-4685, 507-437-6680; Owatonna Hospital, 2250 NW 26th St, Owatonna, MN 55060, 507-977-2000; and Mayo Clinic Health System-Albert Lea, 404 W Fountain St, Albert Lea, MN 56007, 507-377-5913.
  6. You may file a police report with the appropriate law enforcement agency, by calling 911, or by calling the non-emergency dispatch number for Albert Lea Police 507-377-5210, Austin Police 507-437-9400, or Owatonna Police 507-444-3800.
  7. Contact any of the following confidential resources for support, assistance and referral: Freeborn County Crime Victims Crisis Center, 203 W Clark St., Albert Lea, MN 56007-1246, 507-373-2223; Mower County Crime Victims Resource Center, 101 14th St NW, Austin, MN 55912, 507-437-6680; and Steele County Crisis Resource Center, 125 W Front St, Owatonna, MN 55060, 507-451-1202.
  8. If you are a witness to sexual violence, we encourage you to call 911 immediately to report the crime.  We also encourage you to contact the College Safety Administrator or the Title IX Coordinator to report the crime.  Remain with the victim until help arrives.
  9. You may request that the college make arrangements to reduce contact between you and the alleged assailant, such as providing a change in classes and/or academic schedules, working arrangements, or other appropriate measures. These options are available regardless of whether the victim chooses to report the crime to law enforcement or campus authorities.
  10. You have the right to petition for an Order for Protection (OFP) or a Harassment Restraining Order (HRO). The Safety Administrator, Title IX Coordinator or College Counselors could assist you with arranging those.
  11. You may also contact the Minnesota Crime Victims Reparations Board at 651-201-7300 which provides financial help to victims and their families for losses incurred as a result of a violent crime. You may also visit https://dps.mn.gov for additional information.

Policies & Procedures

Learn how Riverland is dedicated to preventing sexual violence and supporting a safe campus—view our Sexual Violence Policy and Procedure

This policy applies to:

  1. The conduct of all Riverland Community College students and employees when they are on college property or participating in any Riverland Community College course or sponsored activity.
  2. The conduct of individuals who are not Riverland Community College students or employees who come on college sites.
  3. The off-campus conduct of students and employees if it results in a hostile educational or work environment for Riverland Community College students or employees.

Minnesota State Policies and Procedures


Riverland’s Annual Campus Security & Fire Report
Mike Howe
Safety Administrator

Freeborn County Crime Victims Crisis Center
203 W Clark St.
Albert Lea, MN 56007-1246
507-373-2223 (24 hours)

Mower County Crime Victims Resource Center
101 14th St NW
Austin, MN 55912
507-437-6680 (24 hours)

Crisis Resource Center of Steele County
125 W Front St.
Owatonna, MN 55060
507-451-1202 (24 hours)


Sexual Violence Prevention Training: Building a Safe and Respectful Campus Community

Riverland is committed to fostering a safe and respectful environment for teaching and learning. As part of this commitment, all enrolled students are required to complete the Sexual Violence Prevention Training?course, mandated by the State of Minnesota.

The training consists of five units?and takes approximately 60-70 minutes?to complete. You are not required to finish it all at once and may complete it at your own pace. Each unit includes a video followed by a short quiz to check your understanding.

Here’s an outline of the course:
  • Unit 1: Working Together to Build a Safe and Healthy Campus?(8:45 minutes)
  • Unit 2: On Our Campus, Yes Means Yes (5:05 minutes)
  • Unit 3: A Safe and Welcoming Campus for All: Root Causes of Violence?(6:38 minutes)
  • Unit 4: Relationship Violence, Stalking, and Sexual Violence?(7:29 minutes)
  • Unit 5: How Do Campuses Respond to Sexual Violence?(14:26 minutes)

After completing all five-unit quizzes, you must take the "Completion Quiz" to finalize the training. Upon completion, you can access your Certificate of Completion in the D2L Brightspace Awards' section.