SPAN1300 Spanish for Emergency Medical Services and Firefighters

This beginning-level course addresses the need for emergency medical personnel and firefighters to speak Spanish in order to perform their duties more effectively.   As a two-credit class, the goal is learn two-and three-word phrases and questions involving vocabulary specific to what would be useful and important for emergency medical personnel and firefighters to know how to say and understand when Spanish-speakers are involved.  This is important not only to communicate information, but also to set the tone of the given situation as one incorporating respect, professionalism, increased safety and reassurance to people involved in crisis situations.  Coursework will involve an introduction to and practice with vocabulary, phrases, and questions specific to real-life situations for those professions.  Emphasis will be placed on active participation and role-playing.  Previous knowledge of Spanish is helpful but not required.

      (2 Cr – 2 lect, 0 lab)