Students must present evidence of college level learning that meets the requirements of the course(s) for which they are seeking credit. This evidence may include, but is not limited to:
Evidence of learning may be authenticated by the CPL faculty evaluator.
Students must present a complete portfolio for each course for which they are seeking credit.
Faculty portfolio evaluators may request additional information prior to making a decision on the awarding of credit. If a student is not awarded credit after a first review of the portfolio, he/she may submit the portfolio for a second review based on the feedback of the assessor. There will be a fee for the second review. A portfolio submitted for a second time will be reviewed by the initial faculty assessor. A portfolio will be reviewed a maximum of two times.
Students wishing to appeal the outcome of a portfolio review will follow the standard academic appeal process. The appropriate Academic Dean may initiate a review by a second party assessor if deemed appropriate.
If you think that this may be the right fit for you, start the process by filling out the Personal Prior Learning Survey.