Course # | Course Name | Credits | ||
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Human Biology (Goal 2 & 3)
This course is an introductory study of human biology. The scientific method, biological molecules, and cell biology will be studied as a foundation to learning human histology (the study of tissues) and organ systems. Each human organ system will be investigated to develop an understanding of its contribution to the human body. Current health and social issues, and other diseases related to human biology, will also be studied. MnTC (Goals 3/NS and 2/CT); (3 Cr – 2 lect, 1 lab) |
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Developmental Psychology (Goal 5 & 9)
This course explores human growth and development from the prenatal through adult life stages, including aging and death. Students will examine the interaction between genetics and environment on the individual’s physical, cognitive, and socioemotional development. In addition, family, culture and cohort influences will be explored. |
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Composition I (Goal 1 & 2)
This is an introductory college writing course designed to help students develop effective writing skills for college level work. Students learn to generate ideas and organize them into unified, coherent essays. Methods of instruction vary, but most sections combine individual conferences and peer review with regular class meetings. Prerequisites: A grade of C or higher in ENGL 0960 or appropriate placement score. MnTC (Goals 1/CM and Goal 2/CT); (3 Cr – 3 lect, 0 lab) |
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Workplace Human Relations
This course examines interpersonal relationship skills in the work environment. Students evaluate individual strengths and weaknesses and assess and learn transferable skills. This course emphasizes employment-enhancing skills that include understanding and improving relationships and communication with co-workers, supervisors, subordinates, and customers. This survey course introduces concepts and methods for improvement of interpersonal relations. (2 Cr – 2 lect, 0 lab) |
Last Updated: March 11, 2022