Meet Our Expert Data Analytics Faculty at Riverland Community College - Riverland

Data Analytics Specialist

Bob Silbaugh

Bob Silbaugh - Computer Technology Faculty
Phone: 507-379-3339

Brenda Mandt

Brenda Mandt - Computer Technology Faculty
Phone: 507-433-0694

About Brenda

I am a freelance web designer, web developer and instructor at Riverland Community College. My specialties include HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript & jQuery, Bootstrap, PHP & MySQL, and many other trending technologies in the Web Industry. Check out my portfolio and consider earning a Web certificate, diploma or degree from Riverland!

Doc Andree

Doc Andree - Computer Technology Faculty
Phone: 507-433-0369

About Doc

I've spent over 35 years in the West Building at Riverland. I started as student in 1985 and was hired by KSMQ TV after my 1st year of studies. In the mid 90's I thought the television and computer were going to merge into the same device and began working on computers to enhance videos I was producing. This led to developing multimedia presentations and applications. Developing multimedia applications lead to coding.

I discovered early in my college career that teaching came naturally to me within weeks of starting the Television Production program, I was teaching other students and instructor how the equipment worked. I was hired after my 1st year of college at KSMQ TV, the college television station and continued working closely with the students. The opportunity to teach full time was offered to me in 1994. I enjoy the students and technology. Every day is a learning experience for me, the technology is continuously changing, the students come to us with more advanced skills every year. I am anxious to see were technology takes us next and will do my best to assist students along the way.

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