Course List - Riverland

Farm Business Management Course List

Required Core Courses (48 credits)

  Course # Course Name Credits  
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Foundations for Farm Business Management

This course is an overview of the Farm Business Management Program. Goal setting, self and business assessment, record keeping, and business projections to provide the foundation for personal and business management progress are introduced. Current issues affecting business management are an integral part of the course.
(4 Cr – 4 lect, 0 lab)

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Preparation for Farm Business Analysis

This course will take the student through a step-by-step procedure to close out a complete year of farm business records. This course will emphasize tax planning, completing inputs to livestock and crop enterprises, and emphasizing cash and liabilities accuracy. A completed business and enterprise analysis will be the course focus.
(4 Cr – 4 lect, 0 lab)

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Implementing the System Management Plan

This course continues to build on the foundation of farm business management. The student completes a farm business financial and enterprise analysis. Sound financial record keeping is an integral component.
(4 Cr – 4 lect, 0 lab)

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Managing and Modifying Farm System Data

This course prepares students to refine farm business data system and assist in applying year-end procedures for farm business analysis. Students improve accuracy in farm enterprise analysis, tax planning, data filing, and cash and liabilities checks.
(4 Cr – 4 lect, 0 lab)

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Interpreting and Using Farm System Data

This course provides an opportunity for the students to view the farm business and its various components through the application of farm and personal balance sheets. Farm, personal, and managerial inventories, enterprise reports and historical data are also covered.
(4 Cr – 4 lect, 0 lab)

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Introduction to Farm Business Management

This course introduces basic farm business management concepts. Students study the farm management planning cycle and develop an understanding of its relationship to family and farm business goal setting, cash and enterprise accounting principles, and tax planning.
(4 Cr – 4 lect, 0 lab)

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Interpreting and Evaluating Financial Data

This course expands on preparation and evaluation of the farm business analysis. This course provides continued guidance and improvement of business record close-out procedures, the tax implications of management decisions, and guidance on monitoring a farm business and family.
(4 Cr – 4 lect, 0 lab)

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Interpreting Trends in Business Planning

This course examines the whole farm including enterprise, balance sheet, and inventory trends. Current analysis data is compared to historical data in making farm business planning decisions. Financial ratios are used to indicate the farm financial structure.
(4 Cr – 4 lect, 0 lab)

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Strategies in Farm System Data Management

This course helps the student focus on long term strategies necessary to maintain and enhance the farm business and personal future financial goals. The student completes the year by developing an accurate, usable business analysis.
(4 Cr – 4 lect, 0 lab)

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Integrating System Information for Financial Planning

This course uses farm system information to develop a farm financial plan. Interpretation and analysis of the farm system data enhances the reliability of the farm plan. The comprehensive farm plan integrates historical trends, farm and personal goals, and financial and enterprise performance of the farm business.
(4 Cr – 4 lect, 0 lab)

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Examination of the Context of Farm System Management

This course assists student in preparation of improved farm system management procedures. Students evaluate and analyze several years of an improved farm system analysis.
(4 Cr – 4 lect, 0 lab)

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Refining Farm System Management

This course is the culmination of activities designed to enable the students to develop and implement a comprehensive farm business strategic plan. The student will use the components of the Farm Business Management Program to develop and support a farm business strategic plan.
(4 Cr – 4 lect, 0 lab)


Electives (12 credits)

  Course # Course Name Credits  
A minimum of 12 credits is required from the FBMT course list. Please work with your advisor in selecting electives.
FBMT Courses

Last Updated: March 29, 2024

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