Course # | Course Name | Credits | ||
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Firefighter I
This course is designed to cover the necessary skills to perform the basic duties of firefighting including thought processes used to decide appropriate operations. This includes the duties of rescue, exposure protection, confining the fire, extinguishing the fire, overhaul, salvage and ventilation. Upon successful completion, participants are eligible for the Minnesota State Fire Certification Board exam.
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Firefighter II
This course is designed to enhance the skills necessary to perform basic duties of firefighting, including thought processes used to decide on appropriate operations. This includes specialized rescue, building construction and fire cause determination. Upon successful completion, participants are eligible for the Minnesota State Fire Certification Board exam.
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Hazardous Materials Operations
This course introduces the basic skills necessary to safely and effectively manage on-scene operations involving the uncontrolled release of dangerous chemicals. It focuses on those individuals in local jurisdictions who respond to releases or potential releases of hazardous substances as part of the initial response to the site for the purpose of protecting nearby persons, property, or the environment from the effects of the release. Those individuals respond in a defensive fashion without actually trying to stop the release as their function is to contain the release from a safe distance, keep it from spreading, and prevent exposures.
Course # | Course Name | Credits | ||
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Emergency Medical Technician-Basic
The primary focus of the Emergency Medical Technician-Basic is to provide basic emergency medical care and transportation for critical and emergent patients who access the emergency medical system. EMTs perform interventions with the basic equipment typically found on an ambulance. This course will provide the basic knowledge and skills necessary to provide patient care and transportation. Upon successful completion, participants are eligible for the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technician’s (EMT-B) exam.
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Emergency Medical Care/First Responder
This course fulfills Minnesota Emergency Medical Services Regulatory Board (EMSRB) requirements for First Responder and is recognized by the Police Officers Standards and Training (POST) for the state of Minnesota. Care of the sick and injured prior to Emergency Medical Service (EMS) arrival, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)/automated external defibrillation (A.E.D.), triage, use of emergency care equipment and Patient Disentanglement are included. Upon successful completion, students may be recognized as a Minnesota First Responder.
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Employment Search Skills
This course introduces students to a process of developing self-awareness when considering career opportunities and identifying career-related goals. Students conduct a job search, prepare a job application, resume, cover letter, a follow-up correspondence. The course includes preparation for job interviews. |
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Workplace Human Relations
This course examines interpersonal relationship skills in the work environment. Students evaluate individual strengths and weaknesses and assess and learn transferable skills. This course emphasizes employment-enhancing skills that include understanding and improving relationships and communication with co-workers, supervisors, subordinates, and customers. This survey course introduces concepts and methods for improvement of interpersonal relations. (2 Cr – 2 lect, 0 lab) |
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Weight Lifting
This course teaches fundamental isotonic and isometric exercises along with specific exercises to meet the needs of the student. A program will be designed to develop and maintain the student’s physique, efficiency and movement, and fitness for daily living. (1 Cr - 0 lect, 1 lab) |
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Lifetime Fitness and Wellness
This course is designed to assist students in understanding the need for maintaining a healthy lifestyle for optimal wellness. Individual fitness assessments will be used along with identifying target behaviors for goal setting and barriers to change. Balancing nutrition with an exercise program for success in weight management will also be covered. (2 Cr - 1 lect, 1 lab) |
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Spanish for Emergency Medical Services and Firefighters
This beginning-level course addresses the need for emergency medical personnel and firefighters to speak Spanish in order to perform their duties more effectively. As a two-credit class, the goal is learn two-and three-word phrases and questions involving vocabulary specific to what would be useful and important for emergency medical personnel and firefighters to know how to say and understand when Spanish-speakers are involved. This is important not only to communicate information, but also to set the tone of the given situation as one incorporating respect, professionalism, increased safety and reassurance to people involved in crisis situations. Coursework will involve an introduction to and practice with vocabulary, phrases, and questions specific to real-life situations for those professions. Emphasis will be placed on active participation and role-playing. Previous knowledge of Spanish is helpful but not required. (2 Cr – 2 lect, 0 lab) |
Last Updated: November 21, 2016