Course # | Course Name | Credits | ||
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Composition I (Goal 1 & 2)
This is an introductory college writing course designed to help students develop effective writing skills for college level work. Students learn to generate ideas and organize them into unified, coherent essays. Methods of instruction vary, but most sections combine individual conferences and peer review with regular class meetings. Prerequisites: A grade of C or higher in ENGL 0960 or appropriate placement score. MnTC (Goals 1/CM and Goal 2/CT); (3 Cr – 3 lect, 0 lab) |
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Introduction to Global Studies (Goal 5 & 8)
This course introduces students to the basic concepts, trends, and interconnectiveness of globalization throughout the world. In class, students may examine journal articles, book chapters, videos, and webcasts in the study of globalization across disciplines. It will provide an overview of history and theoretical approaches that have created a global society. This is a required course for the Global Studies Emphasis. Completion of English 1101 and 1104 or 1105 or 1106 is suggested prior to enrollment in this course. |
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Communication in a Diverse World (Goals 1 & 7)
This course examines the interconnections between communication and culture and the need for intercultural communication competency in our global and ever-changing world. Students will assess the impact of cultural perceptions and bias, and how they affect communication behaviors in real contexts. Students read, observe, discuss, listen, and present about how culture impacts communication processes and shapes cultural identity and communication. There will be an emphasis on learning communication skills to better enable students to communicate with people from other cultures.
Course # | Course Name | Credits | ||
Goal 1 - Communication
ENGL1104, ENGL1105, ENGL1107 Note: 6 credits of this goal area are satisfied by taking the Core Courses listed above.
Goal 3 - Natural Sciences
BIOL1030, BIOL1040, Note: A minimum of 9 credits, including 1 course from each of the two areas; one course must be a laboratory course
Goal 4 - Mathematical/Logical Reasoning
MATH1050, MATH1110, MATH1115, MATH1200, MATH1210, MATH1220, MATH1400, PHIL1100, STAT2021, Note: A minimum of 3 credits
Goal 5 - History and the Social & Behavioral Sciences
AREA A - ANTH2220, ANTH2240, GEOG1200, GEOG1201, PSCI1030, SOCI2125, Note: A minimum of 6 credits including 2 courses must be taken from Goal 3 (Area A). Introduction to Global Studies satisfies one of the course requirements.
Goal 5 - History and the Social & Behavioral Sciences
AREA B - HIST1011, HIST1012, HIST1030, Note: 1 course must be taken from Goal 5 (Area B).
Goal 6 - Humanities and Fine Arts
AREA A - ARTS1101, ARTS1102, ARTS1103, ENGL1132, HUMA1101, HUMA1102, HUMA2263, MUSC1111, Note: 2 courses from 2 different subjects must be taken from Goal 6 (Area A)
Goal 6 - Humanities and Fine Arts
AREA B - ARTS1119 (suggested) Note: 1 course must be taken from Goal 6 (Area B)
Goal 9 - Ethical & Civic Responsibility
PHIL1150, PSYC2260, SOCI1103 Note: One course minimum
Goal 10 - People and the Environment
ANTH2220, BIOL1010, BIOL1092, CHEM1121, ESCI1000, GEOG1200, Note: One course minimum
Course # | Course Name | Credits | ||
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Introduction to International Business
This course is an overview of international business and the environmental forces that impact international business. Topics covered include economic, cultural, legal and political environments in global business and international business functions including management, marketing, finance, and exporting and importing. The course also discusses professional business practices, ethics, cultural behavior, etiquette and social responsibility.
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Peace Studies
This course explores nonfiction works addressing issues of peace and nonviolence from such authors as Dorothy Day, Leo Tolstoy, Mohandas Gandhi, Albert Schweitzer, Colman McCarthy and H.D. Thoreau. Students will engage in a number of discussions and assignments in an attempt to foster greater understanding of issues related to peace studies. Students may watch films, read literature, research historical figures, and present reports on important topics along with other types of course work all designed to assist in the exploration of peace studies. Some discussion and written work will be required to allow students to demonstrate their knowledge of course topics and share their own individual perspective on the issues addressed in the course.
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The Culture in London-London Dash Light
British culture comes alive as students experience London and the surrounding area. This travel/study opportunity gives students a first-hand look at British theater, art, music, and daily culture. Tour with faculty members, or discover on your own, the great sights of London, including Trafalgar Square, the Tower of London, Westminster Abbey, the British Museum, and historic sites. At night you may see The Royal Shakespeare Company or hear some of the world’s greatest symphonies. Pre-Dash classes help prepare students to gain the most from an exciting and memorable trip to what many call the world’s greatest city. A short journey to Paris from London is also available. A fee is charged in addition to tuition for this course.
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The Culture in London - London Dash
British culture comes alive as students experience London and the surrounding area. This travel/study opportunity gives students a first-hand look at British theater, art, music, and daily culture. Tour with faculty members, or discover on your own, the great sights of London, including Trafalgar Square, the Tower of London, Westminster Abbey, the British Museum, and historic sites. At night see The Royal Shakespeare Company or hear some of the world’s greatest symphonies. Pre-Dash classes help prepare students to gain the most from an exciting and memorable trip to what many call the world’s greatest city. A short journey to Paris from London is also available. A fee is charged in addition to tuition for this course.
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World Cultural Studies
Global culture comes alive as students experience a major international city and its surrounding areas. This travel/study opportunity gives students a first-hand look at international theater, art, music, and daily culture. Faculty members provide guidance and support while giving students the freedom to explore their own areas of interest. Pre-trip classes help prepare students to gain the most from an exciting and memorable trip abroad. A special fee is charged to cover travel expenses. Student must be co-enrolled in THTR 2295. (1 Cr – 1 lect, 0 lab) |
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World Cultural Studies – Research Option
Global culture comes alive as students experience a major international city and its surrounding areas. This travel/study opportunity gives students a first-hand look at international theater, art, music, and daily culture. Faculty members provide guidance and support while giving students the freedom to explore their own areas of interest. Pre-trip classes help prepare students to gain the most from an exciting and memorable trip abroad. Students enrolled in the Research Option will conduct additional research while abroad and prepare a research project on a topic of their choosing. A special fee is charged to cover travel expenses. Student must be co-enrolled in THTR 2297. (2 Cr – 2 lect, 0 lab) |
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World Cultural Studies
Global culture comes alive as students experience a major international city and its surrounding areas. This travel/study opportunity gives students a first-hand look at international theater, art, music, and daily culture. Faculty members provide guidance and support while giving students the freedom to explore their own areas of interest. Pre-trip classes help prepare students to gain the most from an exciting and memorable trip abroad.
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World Cultural Studies – Research Option
Global culture comes alive as students experience a major international city and its surrounding areas. This travel/study opportunity gives students a first-hand look at international theater, art, music, and daily culture. Faculty members provide guidance and support while giving students the freedom to explore their own areas of interest. Pre-trip classes help prepare students to gain the most from an exciting and memorable trip abroad. Students enrolled in the Research Option will conduct additional research while abroad and prepare a research project on a topic of their choosing. A special fee is charged to cover travel expenses.
Last Updated: April 20, 2014