Graduate Outcomes - Riverland

Health Sciences Broad Field

Program Graduate Outcomes

Upon completion of this program, the graduate will:

English Composition (MNTC goal 1)

The Student will:

  • Have college level writing skills including the basics of college level writing
  • Be able to use a professional citation format.
  • Analyze primary and secondary sources.
  • Understand academic research writing fundamentals

Speech / Communications (MNTC 1, 7, or 8)

The Student will:

  • Be introduced to the various principles of human communication
  • Explore and practice solid English communication skills at the college level
  • Understand the impact culture has upon oral communication between humans
  • Have public speaking, interpersonal, group or intercultural speech communications, depending on the intended major and student interests are acceptable. Intercultural speech at some campuses meets two goals and this may beadvantage to the students. Students should look to the accepting university for which course may best fit.

Psychology: (includes two courses.) (MNTC 5, 7)

A general or introductory level of psychology and an entire lifespan psychology The lifespan course must be an introductory course to the development across the entire human lifespan. Child or adult psychology is not sufficient for most of the licensure majors.

The Student will:

  • Read and understand psychological research literature as it relates to human development
  • Be introduced to the science of human behavior and mental processes
  • Be introduced to research methods, data analysis, and theoretical applications
  • Understand human development across the entire human life span including major theories regarding growth and change
  • Apply learning to include physical, cognitive, personality and social functioning

Sociology (MNTC 5)

An introductory course which introduces students to human behavior and learning from a sociological perspective

The Student will:

  • Understand basic sociology concepts and principles including the systematic study of human interaction in a diverse society •Be introduced to topics including family, culture, and gender
  • Be introduced to theoretical perspectives and research methodologies including an introduction to qualitative and quantitative methods
  • Explore ideas and challenges of human diversity in contemporary society

Nutrition [Various disciplines may offer the nutrition courses]

A simple course in food groups and healthy eating behaviors is not intended for this major

The Student will:

  • Understand molecular or science based nutritional concepts and processes
  • Understand how the body metabolizes nutrients across the lifespan
  • Be introduced to more common disease states and how this may impede nutritional metabolism and absorption. (Examples of common disease states would include diabetes, mal-absorption syndromes, and bowel, heart, and oral health disease)

Chemistry (MNTC 3)

The student will:

  • Know the application of chemistry to human health and everyday life
  • Understand the general principles of organic and inorganic chemistry
  • Have a strong basic understanding of chemical reactions and processes
  • Be able to demonstrate measurements and calculations used in chemistry including dimensional analysis for solving chemical equations
  • Have one credit of laboratory application as required within the course

Cell or Introductory Biology (MNTC 3)

The Student will:

  • Be introduced to the cellular respiration and metabolism
  • Understand cellular physiology
  • Be introduced to genetics and how molecular science is currently impacting health sciences treatment and diagnosis
  • Have one credit of laboratory application as required within the course

Microbiology (MNTCHumanities/Philosophy/Ethics (MNTC goals 6, 9)

The Student will:

  • Engage in ethical decision making and critical analysis
  • Form aesthetic judgments and develop an appreciation of the arts and humanities as fundamental to health of a society
  • Apply a comparative perspective to cross cultural, social, economic and political experiences