****Click menu to see alternative course sequences****
Course # | Course Name | Credits | ||
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Introduction to Criminal Justice
This course addresses the Criminal Justice Process, Constitutional and Criminal Law for Peace Officers, the Criminal Justice System, Civil Law, Civil Liability and Civil Process, and Juvenile Law and Procedure. Students gain a general knowledge and background of the history and development of the criminal justice system and the various theories, concepts, and resources used and currently utilized in this field. Successful completion of this course prepares students for the Minnesota P.O.S.T. licensing exam. This course includes criteria required by the Minnesota Board of Peace Officer Standards and Training and Learning Objectives for Professional Peace Officer Education. (3 Cr – 3 lect, 0 lab) |
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Criminal Investigations
This is an introductory course for the basic fundamentals of crime scene and post-crime investigation. Students analyze methods of handling the crime scene, use detection and identification equipment, and prepare the case for prosecution. The second portion of this course examines interview and interrogation techniques utilized by peace officers. Students differentiate between interviews and interrogations. Students perform simulated interrogations to demonstrate understanding of the interrogation process. Successful completion of this course prepares students for the Minnesota Police Officer Selection Test (P.O.S.T.) licensing exam. This course includes criteria required by the Minnesota Board of Peace Officer Standards and Training and Learning Objectives for Professional Peace Officer Education. Prerequisite: Students must be enrolled in the Peace Officer or Criminal Justice program or obtain instructor approval prior to registering for this course. (3 Cr – 2 lect, 1 lab) |
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Human Behavior/Stress Management/Ethics for Criminal Justice
This course is designed to familiarize students with the importance of being able to identify persons in crisis, including themselves. Students will learn about stress and its effects, how to manage stress, and the importance of being physically fit. Students will also learn verbal de-escalation skills as well as some mediation skills. They will learn of support services available to them and the communities in which they work. This course will also provide students with an in-depth and comprehensive discussion of ethics, ethical behavior and discretion afforded Peace Officer and Criminal Justice professionals. It will also discuss the importance of building Community Relations. Successful completion of this course prepares students for the Minnesota Peace Officer Standards & Training (P.O.S.T.) licensing exam. This course includes criteria required by the Minnesota Board of Peace Officer Standards and Training and Learning Objectives for Professional Peace Officer Education. (2 Cr – 2 lect, 0 lab) |
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Composition I (Goal 1 & 2)
(OR ENGL1102)
This is an introductory college writing course designed to help students develop effective writing skills for college level work. Students learn to generate ideas and organize them into unified, coherent essays. Methods of instruction vary, but most sections combine individual conferences and peer review with regular class meetings. Prerequisites: A grade of C or higher in ENGL 0960 or appropriate placement score. MnTC (Goals 1/CM and Goal 2/CT); (3 Cr – 3 lect, 0 lab) |
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Interpersonal Communication (Goals 1 & 7)
This course focuses on communicating more effectively in personal, social, and professional environments and examining the practical and theoretical aspects of human communication. The course also addresses such topics as self-esteem, listening, effective language, nonverbal communication, perception, disclosure, conflict and cultural communication. Human diversity issues and cultural/intercultural factors and how they affect human communication are examined. Students will also reflect on the role interpersonal process plays in relationships and reflect on individual strengths and weaknesses with regard to personal interpersonal communication.
Course # | Course Name | Credits | ||
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Criminal Justice Career Development
A career in Criminal Justice involves an extensive hiring process. Requirements are mandated by law under Minnesota Rules, Chapter 6700.0300. This includes the application, testing, multiple interviews, extensive background investigations, physical agility testing, medical exam, and a psychological exam. This course addresses the entire process and instructs students on ways to best prepare to be considered for employment. This instruction is ongoing and progressive throughout the entire year. (2 Cr – 2 lect, 0 lab) |
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Peace Officer Report Writing
This course introduces students to the writing of clear, factual peace officer reports. Wellwritten reports are emphasized and relevant to investigating and prosecuting criminal cases. Students are required to take thorough field notes and transfer information to the appropriate paperwork. Successful completion of this course prepares students for the Minnesota P.O.S.T. licensing exam. This course includes criteria required by the Minnesota Board of Peace Officer Standards and Training, and Learning Objectives for Professional Peace Officer Education. Prerequisites: ENGL 1101 or instructor approval. (2 Cr – 2 lect, 0 lab) |
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Minnesota State Statutes
This course is designed to familiarize students with Minnesota Chapter 609, 169, 169A, 171, 340A, and 152 of Minnesota Statutes as prescribed by the Minnesota P.O.S.T. Board. Students are introduced to the criminal, traffic, alcohol and drug statutes applicable to criminal justice. Instruction is given on interpretation of the statutes by identifying and analyzing the elements necessary to make an arrest and obtain a conviction. Students will explain the elements of offenses as stated in the Minnesota Code books. Students will also explain special Minnesota peace officer duties associated with specific statutes. Laws relating to the use of force and use of deadly force will be discussed and analyzed. Successful completion of this course prepares students for the Minnesota Peace Officer Standards & Training (P.O.S.T.) licensing exam. This course includes criteria required by the Minnesota Board of Peace Officer Standards and Training and Learning Objectives for Professional Peace Officer Education. Prerequisites: Students must be enrolled in the Peace Officer or Corrections Program or obtain instructor approval prior to registering for this course. (3 Cr – 3 lect, 0 lab) |
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Introduction to Forensic Science (Goal 2 & 3)
This introductory course will apply the principles and theories of biology and chemistry to the study of forensic science. The focus of forensic science is the crime lab using scientific principles and techniques in order to analyze evidence that would be admissible in court. An orientation to crime scene investigation and evidence collection will lead to analysis of the following: Impressions, drugs and powders, blood, serology, hair, questioned documents, firearms/tool marks, bones, glass, paint, fibers, and DNA. This course is activity-based and the student participates in a variety of lab and lab-like experiences demonstrating the principles covered in the course and illuminating how scientific experimentation and research are performed and interpreted. (MnTC (Goal 3/NS and Goal 2/CT); (3 Cr – 2 lect, 1 lab) |
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Composition II: Research (Goal 1 & 2; Prereq ENGL1101)
(OR ENGL1104, ENGL1106 OR ENGL1107)
This is a second semester composition course focused on the writing of an academic research paper. Students learn how to employ the resources of an academic library and how to cite those sources in a fully documented analytical/interpretive term paper. Prerequisites: ENGL 1101. MnTC (Goals 1/CM and 2/CT); (3 Cr - 3 lect, 0 lab) |
Goal 4 - Mathematical/Logical Reasoning
(MATH2021 Fundamentals of Statistics OR MATH2022 Honors Fundamentals of Statistics strongly recommended)
Course # | Course Name | Credits | ||
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Peace Officer and Community I
This course will train students in the area of tactics necessary and appropriate to safely and successfully control critical situations. Students study escalation and de-escalation tactics as well as procedures. It will continue in the areas of ethics, community policing and relations, cultural diversity and profiling, problem solving skills, peace officer conduct, data practices and internal affairs. Successful completion of this course prepares students for the P.O.S.T. licensing exam. This course includes criteria required by the Minnesota Board of Peace Officer Standards and Training and Learning Objectives for Professional Peace Officer Education. Prerequisite: Students must be enrolled in the Peace Officer or Criminal Justice program or obtain instructor approval prior to registering for this course. This course will run during the fall and must be completed prior to students enrolling in Peace Officer and Community II. Prerequisite: CRJU2110; Co-Requisite CRJU2120. (1.5 Cr – 0 lect, 1.5 lab) |
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Criminal Procedure
This course introduces students to the basic concepts of Criminal Procedure through the study of the U.S. Constitution. Special emphasis is given to the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Eighth, and Fourteenth Amendments pertaining to criminal justice. This course reviews previous court decisions. Successful completion of this course prepares students for the Minnesota P.O.S.T. licensing exam. This course includes criteria required by the Minnesota Board of Peace Officer Standards and Training and Learning Objectives for Professional Peace Officer Education. Prerequisite: Students must be enrolled in the Peace Officer or Criminal Justice program or obtain instructor approval prior to registering for this course. (3 Cr – 3 lect, 0 lab) |
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This course focuses on victims themselves. Most courses in criminology focus on the offenders and various criminal offenses, with only cursory examination of their victims. The term “victimology” generically refers to the study of victims—patterns, characteristics, and the various types of harm victims incur. The role of victims in the criminal justice system throughout history, the nature and extent of crime victimization, and victim characteristics will be studied. Also covered are the various types of costs experienced by victims, as well as the various legal rights of the victims. The myths of victim perception and various efforts to blame victims for their own victimization, as well as other factors that influence victimization (e.g., drugs and alcohol and the mass media) are included. Specific types of victims (e.g., sexual assault, domestic violence, homicide) and their treatment in the criminal justice system will be discussed. (3 Cr – 3 lect, 0 lab) |
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Emergency Medical Care/First Responder
This course fulfills Minnesota Emergency Medical Services Regulatory Board (EMSRB) requirements for First Responder and is recognized by the Police Officers Standards and Training (POST) for the state of Minnesota. Care of the sick and injured prior to Emergency Medical Service (EMS) arrival, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)/automated external defibrillation (A.E.D.), triage, use of emergency care equipment and Patient Disentanglement are included. Upon successful completion, students may be recognized as a Minnesota First Responder.
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Cultural Diversity (Goals 5 & 7A)
This course examines the historical framework and the social interactions of racial and ethnic groups in the United States. Gender, sexual orientation, religion and other characteristics that contribute to a culturally diverse society are also described and analyzed in this course.
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Introduction to Sociology (Goals 5 & 7A)
(OR SOCI1103)
This course is a survey of the sociological concepts, theories and ideas that have been developed through the scientific study of human interaction. The emphasis of the course is the description and analysis of the nature and characteristics of societies, the structure and processes of social life, the influence of social forces on individuals and groups with an emphasis on cultural diversity and globalism.
Course # | Course Name | Credits | ||
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Criminal Justice Career Development
A career in Criminal Justice involves an extensive hiring process. Requirements are mandated by law under Minnesota Rules, Chapter 6700.0300. This includes the application, testing, multiple interviews, extensive background investigations, physical agility testing, medical exam, and a psychological exam. This course addresses the entire process and instructs students on ways to best prepare to be considered for employment. This instruction is ongoing and progressive throughout the entire year. (2 Cr – 2 lect, 0 lab) |
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Peace Officer and Community II
This course will train students in the area of tactics necessary and appropriate to safely and successfully control critical situations. Students study escalation and de-escalation tactics as well as procedures. It will continue in the areas of ethics, community policing and relations, cultural diversity and profiling, problem solving skills, peace officer conduct, data practices and internal affairs. Successful completion of this course prepares students for the P.O.S.T. licensing exam. This course includes criteria required by the Minnesota Board of Peace Officer Standards and Training and Learning Objectives for Professional Peace Officer Education. Prerequisite: Students must be enrolled in the Peace Officer or Criminal Justice program or obtain instructor approval prior to registering for this course. This course will run during the spring. Prerequisite: CRJU2236; CRJU2110; Co-Requisite CRJU2120. (1.5 Cr – 0 lect, 1.5 lab) |
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Juvenile Law and Procedures
This course introduces concepts, theories, and statutes associated with juvenile offenders with specific treatment method and modalities as applied to this offender group. Students are introduced to the various correctional facilities, programs, and professional interventions available to youth offenders. Specific differences among delinquent offenders and various types of juvenile statutes are presented along with the dispositional alternatives available ranging from Diversion through Extended Juvenile Jurisdiction (EJJ) and Certification. Several landmark legal cases involving juvenile matters are presented. The Minnesota Juvenile Code and Court Procedure are examined. In addition to traditional educational experiences, students have opportunities to attend and participate in workshops, seminars, conferences, and/or other relevant training sponsored by various associations and organizations within the criminal justice system. These experiences provide avenues for possible future employment in Juvenile Corrections. Successful completion of this course prepares students for the Minnesota P.O.S.T. licensing exam. This course includes criteria required by the Minnesota Board of Peace Officer Standards and Training and Learning Objectives for Professional Peace Officer Education. (3 Cr ? 3 lect, 0 lab) |
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Ethics (Goal 6 & 9)
This course introduces the student to fundamental ethical principles developed throughout the history of philosophy through the study of classical and modern writings. Students are encouraged and challenged to apply such principles to contemporary issues. MnTC (Goals 6/HU and 9/EC); (3 Cr - 3 lect, 0 lab) |
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Religions of the World (Goals 6 & 8)
(OR HUMA2265 OR MNTC Elective)
This course examines the major world religions and their “sub-groups.” Emphasis is placed on when, where and under what influences the various religions developed, the geographical areas of the world where the religions are located, as well as the primary tenets, qualities and characteristics of the religions. The course examines the place and role of religion in human life.
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Developmental Psychology (Goal 5 & 9)
(OR PSYC1241 OR PSYC2260)
This course explores human growth and development from the prenatal through adult life stages, including aging and death. Students will examine the interaction between genetics and environment on the individual’s physical, cognitive, and socioemotional development. In addition, family, culture and cohort influences will be explored. |
* Honors courses require specific eligibility. Please speak with your Advisor to determine if you meet the eligibility requirements.
** To view MNTC course options, please go to http://riverland.edu/academics/minnesota-transfer-curriculum-goals-1-10/
*** CRJU2110 Peace officer Report Writing has a pre-requisite of ENGL1101 Composition I or ENGL1102 Honors Composition I
**** CRJU2236 Peace Officer and Community I has a pre-requisite or co-requisite of CRJU2110 Peace Officer Report Writing and CRJU2120 Minnesota Statutes
***** CRJU2237 Peace Officer and Community II has a pre-requisite of CRJU2236 Peace Officer and Community I
****** CRJU1115 Basic Firearms is Strongly Recommennded for those who do not have much experience with firearms and should be taken your 2nd year. However, it does not count towards completion of your degree.
This is a sample course sequence resulting in a certificate, diploma or degree that is subject to change based on course availability and placement scores. We strongly recommend you meet with your Academic Advisor for an Academic Plan specific to you.
Every student has an assigned enrollment advisor. To determine what Advisor is assigned to a particular major, please visit the Academic Advising page.
Last Updated: June 28, 2023