The Credit for Prior Learning Process: Resources for Faculty
Student Learning Outcomes & PLA forms explained in video above
Credit for Prior Learning and Prior Learning Assessment
Making the Case for Credit for Prior Learning
Credit for Prior Learning: Riverland's New Process from a Faculty Perspective
video from 10/19/21 info session
Credit for Prior Learning: C-PLAN (MnState)
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2. When logged into, you can search “C-PLAN Presentations and Webinars” in the search bar and receive a result with a link to the channel.
Direct Links to Webinar Recordings
Ask C-PLAN Series
1. Ask C-PLAN Webinar: Faculty Engagement in CPL
2. Ask C-PLAN Webinar: Equity and CPL on your Campus
3. Ask C-PLAN Webinar: Marketing and CPL
4. Ask C-PLAN Webinar: CPL Assessment Types
CPL Assessment Series
1. CPL Assessments Webinar: Faculty and Creating External Assessments
2. CPL Assessments Webinar: Creating Internal Assessments
Riverland's CPL Coordinator, Haley Bauer
Riverland's SLOAP Coordinator, Scott Blankenbaker