New PSEO Students

PSEO Application & Paperwork Deadlines

Fall 2025 – August 4

Spring 2026 – December 15

Meet with your high school counselor or other school personnel to discuss your eligibility, high school graduation requirements, the benefits and risks of PSEO.

Students, please use our "Are You Ready Guide" to complete your checklist with your high school counselor for successful enrollment as a new PSEO student.

 "Are You Ready?" Guide

1. Apply to Riverland

  • When you apply online, you will be asked to create a StarID and Password. Please take note of those as you will use them for many things in the future including registration, online courses, etc.
  • Use your personal email address NOT your school email as you may need to reset your password in the future.
  • If you have already applied to Riverland please proceed to step 2.
  • Homeschool students please complete the Immunization Record (eform)

Apply to Riverland

2. New Student Registration (NOSR) Form & Planning Guide


  • Complete Section 1 of the PSEO Notice of Student Registration Form (NOSR). You will need 2 of these (1 for Fall 1 and for Spring)
    • Work with your high school counselor to fill out Section 2


Planning Guide

  • Complete the section 1 of the Planning Guide and work with your counselor to complete Section 2. You only need 1 of these.

Complete Planning Guide

3. High School Transcript & Test Scores

  • Have your high school submit a copy of your most recent Transcript with high school rank and GPA.
  • Have your high school submit any test scores on file (MCA, ACT, SAT, PSAT)

4. Submit Paperwork

  • 2 copies of the NOSR form (Fall & Spring)
  • 1 copy of the Planning Guide
  • 1 copy of your most recent high school transcript
  • 1 copy of any updated test scores (MCA, ACT, SAT, PSAT)
During peak times, March, April, May, June, July & November, August, December please allow up to 5 days (10 days) for paperwork to be processed as long as you have applied to Riverland. 

If your school submits these forms have them include you in the email.

You can submit the forms by the following methods:

  • Official High School Uploader Link: This link is restricted to high school personnel only. If you are a high school staff member and need access, please email to request the link.
  • Mail: 1900 8th Ave NW, Austin, MN 55912
  • Drop off at Student Affairs in the East Building

NOTE: If your cumulative HS GPA is above 2.6, you will not need to take the Accuplacer test. However, if your cumulative HS GPA is below 2.6, and you don’t have any previous test scores (ACT, SAT, Accuplacer), or if your scores are insufficient, Accuplacer testing might be recommended by your advisor.

 Once you are accepted into the PSEO program:

5. Acceptance Emails

  • Once you have been accepted to the PSEO program by Riverland watch for 2 emails sent by
    • Acceptance Email
    • Online Orientation Email
  • These are the only emails that will be sent to your personal email

6. Orientation

  • Complete the New PSEO Online Orientation:
    • Students are automatically enrolled when Riverland receives and processes their PSEO paperwork. Once students have been enrolled in the Orientation, students will receive an email within 24 hours of acceptance to the PSEO program with log-in directions.
  • Once you complete the course content and pass the Orientation Quiz, you will schedule an appointment to meet with a PSEO Advisor.

7. Meet with your Advisor

  • You must meet with a PSEO Advisor in order to register for classes (you will not be able to register for classes unless Online Orientation and quiz have been completed to 100%).
  • Students will receive an email in their Riverland account confirming their successful completion of Orientation. This email will also include links to schedule an appointment with a Riverland PSEO Advisor.

8. Course Books & Materials

Riverland Bookstore

  • PSEO students are responsible for getting their books and materials from the Riverland Bookstore.
  • Check for books, materials, and book ordering updates at the Bookstore website before going to any campus bookstore.
    • Print out a copy of your course schedule to pick up books.
    • There is a bookstore located at Austin Riverland East.
    • Students can pick up books at Albert Lea & Owatonna campus (must comment in the online ordering).
  • Please call or email the Bookstore ahead of time to ensure that they will have your books/materials in stock. You can find their contact information on the Bookstore website.

"PSEO Paperwork" includes the completion and submission of all the above steps by the posted deadlines. All paperwork postmarked after the final deadlines will not receive priority registration and therefore have limited course options for that semester. Students who miss the final deadline will only be allowed to attend a PSEO Registration Session held in the first few weeks prior to start of Fall and Spring semesters. 

*Riverland Community College reserves the right to not allow a high school student to register for classes if not college ready.