Albert Lea - Freeborn County

What is LEADERSHIP Albert Lea-Freeborn County?

LEADERSHIP Albert Lea-Freeborn County is a community leadership program which

provides participants an intense look at business, agriculture, politics, education, quality of life, health care, human services, public safety and diversity of our community. The program is designed as an educational opportunity that enables participants to learn about this area’s resources, values, strengths, weaknesses, and challenges. The intent is to motivate and encourage participants to assume individual leadership roles in community affairs. Participants create strong relationships to encourage their future involvement and collaboration in addressing the region’s challenges.

Who should apply?

Ideal candidates for LEADERSHIP Albert Lea-Freeborn County are individuals who:

  • are highly motivated to serve their community and have a passion to make a difference
  • want to cultivate relationships with a network of other community leaders, for both personal and professional benefit
  • have demonstrated community involvement
  • represent various sectors of the community: business, industry, education, public and private agencies, civic groups and other facets of the community

What is the time commitment involved?

Education Day

LEADERSHIP Albert Lea-Freeborn County consists of ten sessions the 3rd Tuesday of every month. Participation in the program requires a serious commitment of time and energy. Participants meet for a full day each month, meeting September through June. In addition, a three hour evening kickoff event is held in August. Selected applicants will be expected to meet the following commitments:

  • attend all program sessions
  • arrive on time and attend the entirety of each session
  • submit a final portfolio and give a 10 minute presentation at June graduation


Up to twenty people are selected to participate in the year’s LEADERSHIP program.

Leadership - Albert Lea

There is no age limit, and anyone may apply who is a resident of Albert Lea or Freeborn County. Participants are selected on their individual merits.

The class selection process seeks individuals from a cross-section of the community with different backgrounds to reflect Albert Lea and Freeborn County’s educational, political, social, and cultural diversity.


“Leadership Albert Lea was beyond my expectations. It was fulfilling to discover the rich opportunities that Albert Lea and surrounding communities have to offer and currently presents to the growth of my hometown. I have lived in this area my whole life and did not realize all the hidden treasures out there!” 

Peggy Young

Connect with our Representative

Peggy Young

Peggy Young has been with Riverland Community College since 1991 and joined the Riverland Customized Training and Education team in 2008.  Her focus is on Industrial Safety, Manufacturing, Leadership, Trade & Industry, and providing Strengths-based training as a StrengthsQuest Educator. Peggy is also the Department of Labor – MnAMP grant manager and MJSP grant coordinator for Riverland Community College.  Peggy works with individuals and business clients to provide solutions through customized training with a focus on curriculum enhancement and extended learning initiatives.

Contact Peggy Young at 507-433-0602 or for more information about programs, courses, and services.