Clevertouch interactive displays

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Clevertouch interactive displays are large (75” - 86”) touchscreens/tablets on roll-around carts. The displays can handle 10 simultaneous touches, so multiple people can be drawing on them at once. They’re great for in-class projects or group work in meetings. You can use them as electronic whiteboards--add new pages as you go--and save it afterwards as a pdf to share in D2L Brightspace or via email. You can reserve them for your classes/meetings via Outlook.

There are a total of 6 Clevertouch screens available:

  • Two in Austin East (Library)
  • Two in Austin West (A115 Ag area)
  • One in Albert Lea (201)
  • One in Owatonna (131 classroom)
  1. Go to your Outlook calendar.
  2. Pick a day/time you’d like to reserve; double-click your calendar to open a meeting window.
  3. Set the day/time for the meeting; this can be a reoccurring appointment, such as every Tuesday 10am - Noon.
  4. Click on Scheduling Assistant, and on the new screen, click Add Rooms in the lower left corner.
  5. In the Room window, start typing in RIVER-Clevertouch. This will bring up the list of Clevertouch screens. They are designated by building prefix, i.e. AE, AW, AL or OW.
  6. Highlight the one you want (or ones; you can do more than one, such as if you need two of them for a meeting), and click the Rooms -> button to add them to the appointment, then click OK.
  7. If the time shows as available on the calendar, then click the Send button to send the appointment.
  8. You will get a confirmation email for each appointment and screen that you reserve, and the time will be blocked out as busy on the calendar, so that no one else can reserve it for that time.

Your reservation should include any set up time needed, as you may need to transport the Clevertouch screen to the room where you'll be using it. Also allow time to return it once you are finished so that the screen is available for others to use.

If you run into any problems with the Clevertouch screens, please contact, or your local technology support person.