First Name | Last Name | Phone | Department | Job Title | A | Yang | Athletics | Women's Volleyball Head Coach | Abby | Mueller | 507-433-0630 | Institutional Advancement | Advancement Operations Specialist | Adam | Hahn | 507-433-0660 | Carpentry | Admissions Workroom | 507-433-7380 | Admissions | Adult Basic Education | 507-433-0538 | Adult Basic Education | Affirmative Action Office | 507-433-0529 | Affirmative Action | Aimee Sue | Larson | 507-433-0340 | Human Resources | Vice President of Employee Relations and Human Resources | AL | Shuda | 507-433-0535 | Criminal Justice/Law Enforcement | Faculty | Alan | Lawrence | 507-379-3343 | Industrial Maintenance | Faculty | Alex | Evenson | Athletics | Assistant Men's Soccer Coach | Alison | Sabinish | 507-379-3316 | Advising | Academic Advisor | Allyson | Klankowski | 507-433-0675 | Nursing | Faculty | Amanda | Mathews | 507-433-0374 | Advising | Director of Advising Services | Amber | Caswell | 507-433-0583 | Advising | Academic Advisor | Amber | Sikora | Cosmetology | Adjunct Faculty | Amy | Wagner | 507-433-0575 | Advising | Academic Advisor | Amy | Wallin | 507-433-0348 | Math | Adjunct Faculty | Andrea | Severtson | 507-433-0653 | Registrar | Curriculum & Data Records Coordinator | Andrew | McCoy | 507-379-3365 | Facilities | General Maintenance Worker | Angelina | Schultze | Nursing | Faculty | Ann | Mills | Athletics | Faculty | Anna | Meyer | 507-433-0600 | Physical Education | Adjunct Faculty | Annette | Huffman | 507-433-0688 | Business Office | Account Clerk | Apple Lane Community Childcare | 507-433-0070 | Apple Lane Childcare | Art Rooms | 507-433-0546 | Art | Assessment Center | 507-379-3341 | Academic Affairs | Barb | Houle | 507-433-0584 | Psychology | Faculty | Barbara | Judd | 507-431-2223 | Spanish | Adjunct Faculty | Becky | White | Advising | Advisor | Benjamin | Dundas | 507-379-3365 | Facilities | Building Utilities Mechanic | Benjamin | Nelson | 507-433-0564 | Facilities | Physical Plant Supervisor | Betsy | Goetz | 507-433-0504 | English | Faculty | Biology Lab | 507-433-0372 | Academic Affairs | BJ | Witts | 507-433-0835 | Communications & Marketing | Marketing & Graphic Specialist | Bob | Silbaugh | 507-379-3339 | Computer Technology | Faculty | Bob | Bender | Customized Training | Welding Instructor | Bobbi | Kenow | Cosmetology | Lab Assistant | Bookstore - Austin | 507-433-0541 | Bookstore | Box Office | 507-433-0595 | Theatre | Brad | Doss | 507-433-0523 | Business Office | Vice President of Finance & Operations | Branden | McKenna | 507-431-2254 | Facilities | General Maintenance Worker | Brenda | Mandt | 507-433-0694 | Computer Technology | Faculty | Brenton | Strom | Radiography | Faculty | Brian | Tebbitt | Philosophy | Adjunct Faculty | Brian | Johnson | Music | Faculty | Brianna | Deterling | 218-262-9280 | Art | Adjunct Faculty | Brieana | Leif | Customized Training | Customized Training - NA Actor | Brooke | Fluegel | 507-433-0574 | Nursing | Faculty | Bruce | Hemann | 507-433-0600 | Criminal Justice/Law Enforcement | Faculty | Bryan | Reiter | 507-433-0690 | Technology and Learning Resources | Computer Support | Caleb | Baumgartner | 507-433-0642 | Admissions | Admissions Specialist | Candace | Miller | 507-433-0606 | Office of the President | Executive Assistant to the President | Carl | Morsching | 507-379-3347 | Automotive Services | Faculty | Carlos | Vera | 431-2206 | Admissions | Admissions Specialist | Catherine | Haslag | 507-433-0831 | Chemistry | Faculty | Cedar Valley Services (Austin West) | 507-433-0689 | Cedar Valley Services | Chad | Hacker | 507-379-3352 | Construction Electrician | Faculty | Charlotte | Elvebak | 507-379-3348 | Academic Affairs | Administrative Assistant- Trades & Technology | Chelsea | Petersen | 507-433-0603 | Financial Aid | Financial Aid Advisor | Chris | Wolf | 507-433-0676 | Nursing, Health & Wellness | Dean of Academic Affairs: Nursing, Health & Wellness | Christy | Tryhus | 507-433-0617 | Academic Affairs | Faculty | Ciara | Miller | 507-433-0525 | Business Office | Director of Business Services | Claire | Hagstrom | 507-433-0588 | Athletics | Head Women's Softball Coach | Cliff | Elmore | 507-433-0600 | Automotive Services | Faculty | Copy | Center | 433-0366 | Copy Center | Cory | Loecher | 507-433-0507 | Facilities | General Maintenance Worker | Cory | Griffin | Nursing | Faculty | Cosmetology | Salon | 507-433-0633 | Cosmetology | Courtney | Duxbury | 507-460-9735 | Farm Business Management | Faculty | Curtis | Sandsmark | 507-433-0645 | Radiography | Faculty | Cynthia | Newton | 507-379-3355 | Math | Faculty | Dan | Harber | 507-431-2209 | Technology and Learning Resources | Director of Technology | Dan | Wirkus | 507-379-3324 | Accounting | Faculty | Daniel | Longsdorf | 507-379-3376 | Diesel Technology | Faculty | Daniel | Jaquith | Customized Training | Exam Monitor - Customized Training EMT | Danny | Enfield | Facilities | General Maintenance Worker | Darcy | Drake-Tapp | 507-433-0639 | Financial Aid | Financial Aid Advisor | Darian | Montplaisir | 507-433-0356 | Student Affairs | Learning Specialist | David | Ruiz | 507-433-0623 | Financial Aid | Student Affairs Administrative Specialist | Dena | Keilman | Nursing | Adjunct Faculty | Dennis | Schwab | 507-686-0780 | History | Faculty | Derek | Hahn | 507-433-0569 | Athletics | Athletic Director | Derek | Peterson | Customized Training | Customized Training Instructor - Fire | Derek | Harren | Customized Training | Instructor | Doc | Andree | 507-433-0369 | Computer Technology | Faculty | Domonique | Venzant | 507-433-0579 | Art | Faculty | Donald | Hondel | Facilities | General Maintenance Worker - Intermittent | Dustin | Winsky | 507-379-3365 | Facilities | Building Utilities Mechanic | Dyan | Strouf | 507-433-0811 | Registrar | Records and Registration Assistant | Eliza | Kelly | 507-433-0511 | TRIO | TRIO Student Support Services Advisor | Elizabeth | Siewert | English | Faculty | Emily | Brumm | 507-433-0529 | Nursing | Faculty | Erika | Duley | 507-433-0558 | Admissions | International Student Advisor | Eryk | Wangsness | 507-431-2253 | Facilities | Building Utilities Mechanic | Fabian | Becerril | Athletics | Assistant Soccer Coach | Fernando | Arguello Ortiz | Facilities | General Maintenance Worker | Financial Aid | 507-433-0511 | Financial Aid | Foundation Office | 507-433-0630 | Institutional Advancement | Frank | Spaeth | 507-993-7466 | Athletics | Head Coach Soccer, Adjunct Faculty | Gary | Schindler | History | Adjunct Faculty | Gema | Alvarado-Guerrero | 507-433-0681 | Human Services | Faculty | Greg | Peoples | 507-433-0600 | Computer Technology | Faculty | Greg | Grano | 507-431-2213 | Math | Adjunct Faculty | Haley | Bauer | 507-433-0562 | Advising | Academic Advisor | Hannah | Hemann | 507-433-0563 | Math | Faculty | Heather | Earl | 507-379-3351 | Business Administration | Faculty | Heather | Conley | 507-433-0659 | Administration | Vice President of Academics & Innovation | Heather | Harms | 507-433-0351 | Administration | Interim Dean of Students | Heidi | Goebel | 507-433-0377 | Student Affairs | Administrative Assistant | Heidi | Schara | 507-433-0830 | Speech | Faculty | Holly | Eisenman | 507-433-0662 | Medical Assistant | Faculty | Holly | Sherman | 507-433-0510 | Human Resources | Human Resources Generalist | Housing | 507-491-0083 | Institutional Advancement | Indira | Withanawasam | Physics | Adjunct Faculty | Jack | Longress | 507-379-3377 | Automotive Services | Faculty | Jacki | Anderson | 507-433-0605 | Technology and Learning Resources | Help Desk Manager | Jackson | Schara | Facilities | General Maintenance Worker | Jacob | Gibson | Truck Driving | Faculty | Jaime | Meyer | 507-433-0375 | Athletics | Coach | James | Douglass | 507-433-0611 | Communications & Marketing | Executive Director of Communications, Media Relations and Marketing | James | Haney | Academic Affairs | Concurrent Instructor Mentor | Jamie | Johnson | 507-379-3400 | Construction Electrician | Faculty | Janelle | Koepke | 507-433-0695 | Institutional Advancement | Dean of Institutional Advancement | Janice | Blanchard | 507-433-0645 | Radiography | Faculty | Jason | Dibble | 507-433-0806 | Facilities | General Maintenance Worker | Jeanette | Lukowski | 507-433-0553 | English | Adjunct Faculty | Jeannie | Diggs | 507-433-0571 | Technology and Learning Resources | Librarian | Jennifer | Deane | 507-433-0812 | Academic & Student Affairs | Dean of Academic Affairs: Liberal Arts & Sciences | Jennifer | Branchaud | 507-433-0805 | Academic Affairs | Administrative Assistant | Jennifer | Dalager | 507-433-0673 | Nursing | Faculty | Jennifer | Palma | 507-433-0507 | Facilities | General Maintenance Worker | Jennifer | Patterson | 507-433-0610 | Registrar | Director of Registration/Registrar | Jennifer | Smith | 507-384-8676 (c) | Farm Business Management | Faculty | Jenny | Corey-Gruenes | 507-433-0658 | English | Faculty | Jerry | Kramer | 507-433-0697 | Geography | Faculty | Jessica | Studnicka | 507-433-0600 | Cosmetology | Faculty | Jill | Wagner | 507-433-0693 | Biology | Faculty | Jillian | Dicke | 507-402-8986 | Farm Business Management | Faculty | Job Service | 507-433-0555 | Manufacturing | John | Berke | 507-433-0802 | English | Faculty | John | Carlson | 507-431-2244 | Math | Faculty | John | Deyo | 507-433-0376 | Academic Affairs | Theatre Technician | John | Johnson | 507-379-3365 | Facilities | General Maintenance Worker | Jon | Olseth | 507-433-0503 | English | Faculty | Jonathan | Rymer | 507-433-0608 | Truck Driving | Faculty | Joseph | Christian | 608-509-2576 | Academic Affairs | Director of Institutional Research | Josh | Christenson | 507-379-3361 | Construction Electrician | Faculty | Judy | Thurnau | 507-433-0679 | Nursing | Faculty | Julia | Lucio | 507-433-0541 | Bookstore | Bookstore Clerk | Julia | Wagner | 507-433-0838 | English | Faculty | Juliana | Sammon | 507-431-2215 | Advising | Academic Advisor | Kara | Grant | Nursing | Adjunct Faculty | Karen | Huff | English | Faculty | Karen | Wolf | Customized Training | Faculty | Karen | Kleinwort | 507-433-0587 | English | Temporary Part-Time Faculty | Karl | Bjellum | Nursing, Health & Wellness | Faculty | Karla | Caruso | 507-433-0567 | Massage Therapy | Faculty | Kathleen | Linaker | 507-433-0607 | Office of the President | President | Kathy | Finley | Customized Training | Food and Safety Prep Instructor | Katie | Kruckeberg | Radiography | Faculty | Kayla | Chrz | 507-433-0672 | Nursing | Faculty | Keely | Branstad | 507-433-0520 | Advising | Academic Advisor | Kelly | Kiker | Nursing | Adjunct Faculty | Kevin | Lobb | 507-433-0806 | Facilities | General Maintenance Worker | Kim | Byam | 507-433-0651 | Bookstore | Bookstore Clerk | Kim | Hansen | 507-379-3342 | Accounting | Faculty | Kim | Nelson | 507-379-3335 | Academic Affairs | Dean of Academic Affairs: Construction Trades, Transportation and Manufacturing | Kim | Schaufenbuel | 507-431-2250 | Customized Training | Representative | Kris | Bartley | 507-379-3321 | Registrar | Records and Registration Assistant | Krista | Olson | 507-433-0378 | Technology and Learning Resources | Student Relationship Management Analyst/Developer | Kristie | Maynard | 507-433-0654 | Health Science | Learning Specialist - Health Sciences | Kyle | Huneke | 507-438-4924 | Farm Business Management | Faculty | Lacey | Lammers | 507-433-0514 | Nursing | Faculty | Laura | Andrews | 612-200-5250 | Academic Affairs | Fine Arts Faculty | Laura | Hardy | 507-433-0825 | Academic Affairs | Administrative Assistant to the Vice President of Academic & Student Affairs | Laurel | Panser | 507-433-0519 | Philosophy | Adjunct Faculty | Library | 507-433-0533 | Technology and Learning Resources | Linda | Wasmoen | 507-379-3323 | Financial Aid | Student Affairs Generalist, Veteran's Certifying Official | Lisa | Baudler | 507-433-0371 | Spanish | Adjunct Faculty | Lisa | Quam | 507-433-0533 | Library | Library Technician | Lisa | Simon | 507-433-0635 | Cosmetology | Faculty | Loel | Vinge | 507-433-0354 | Business Office | Accounting Technician | Logan | Mann | 507-433-0604 | Student Services | Director of Athletics and Student Life | Luke | Mulder | 507-379-3366 | Construction Electrician | Faculty | Lydia | Vilt | 507-433-0692 | Human Resources | HR Business Partner | Lynda | Kiesler | 507-433-0837 | Biology | Adjunct Faculty | Lynn | Hoffmann | 507-320-8193 | Farm Business Management | Faculty | Manny | Sabillon | TRIO | TRIO Student Success Specialist | Marcus | Huneke | 507-320-8680 | Farm Business Management | Faculty | Marie | Lechelt | 507-433-0379 | English | Adjunct Faculty | Marissa | Vogt | 507-433-0341 | Institutional Advancement | Donor and Alumi Relations Specialist | Mark | Baas | 507-431-2202 | Technology and Learning Resources | Vice President of Technology and Learning Services | Marlene | Wipplinger | 507-433-0549 | Nursing, Health & Wellness | Administrative Assistant | Mary | Abdo | 507-433-0353 | Human Resources | Human Resources Business Partner | Mathew | Bera | 507-379-3363 | Customized Training | Customized Training Faculty | Matt | Bissonette | 507-431-2260 | Academic Affairs | Dean of Academics & Customized Training | Matthew | Fischer | Customized Training | Instructor | Melanie | Bell | 507-433-0654 | Nursing | Adjunct Faculty | Melinda | Kieffer | Chemistry | Adjunct Faculty | Melissa | Siebke | 507-431-2218 | English | Faculty | Michael | Boone | 507-433-0507 | Facilities | General Maintenance Worker | Michael | Skime | 507-433-0806 | Facilities | General Maintenance Worker | Michael | Tindal | Facilities | General Maintenance Worker | Michael | Jones | -433-0625 | Technology and Learning Resources | Network Administrator | Michelle | Hjelmen | 507-433-0366 | Copy Center | Mailroom/Copy Center Coordinator | Michelle | Olsen | 507-379-3340 | Admissions | Call Center Resource Specialist | Miguel | Garate | 507-433-0686 | Admissions | Admissions Specialist | Mike | Howe | 507-433-0621 | Safety & Security | Safety Administrator | Mitchell | Schaitel | Facilities | Intermittment General Maintenance Worker | Monica | McBee | 507-379-3318 | Technology and Learning Resources | Information Technology Specialist 2 | Nancy | Satern | 507-433-0522 | Business Office | Cashier | Neil | Opstad | 507-433-0615 | Academic Affairs | Faculty | Neil | Tryhus | Customized Training | Forklift Instructor | Nel | Zellar | 507-433-0832 | Admissions | Director of Admissions & New Student Relations | Nicholas | Nelson | 507-676-5612 | Nursing | Adjunct Faculty | Nick | Schiltz | 507-433-0657 | Agricultural Sciences | Faculty | Nickolas | Zimprich | Computer Technology | Faculty | Nicole | Higgins | 507-433-0677 | Nursing | Faculty | Noemi | Herrera | 507-433-0350 | Admissions | Call Center Resource Specialist | Okechukwu | Ukaga | 507-433-0698 | Academic Affairs | Dean of Food & Agriculture | Page | Petersen | 507-433-0650 | Business Office | Buyer | Paige | Dailey | Customized Training | Instructor | Pam | Ruble | 507-396-0430 | Math | Faculty | Pat | Parsons | 507-433-0826 | Nursing | Faculty | Patricia | Brown | 507-433-0528 | Cosmetology | Faculty | Patrick | Norton | Philosophy | Faculty | Patty | Hemann | 507-433-0816 | Financial Aid | Director of Financial Aid | Paul | Anderson | 507-433-0685 | Psychology | Faculty | Paul | Seleski | 507-433-0615 | Customized Training | Paula | Halvorsen | 507-433-0696 | Registrar | Associate Registrar | Pawel | Buda | 507-431-2205 | Technology and Learning Resources | IT Support Services Project Lead | Peggy | Young | 507-433-0602 | Customized Training | Representative | Rashanda | Moren | Cosmetology | Faculty | Rayce | Hardy | 507-433-0577 | Economics | Rebecca | Flohrs | 507-433-0589 | Massage Therapy | Regina | Klennert | Academic Affairs - Liberal Arts & Sciences | Faculty | Rex | Quam | 507-301-1140 | Farm Business Management | Faculty | Rhonda | Besel | 507-433-0649 | Cosmetology | Faculty | Rich | Watkins | 507-396-0434 | Criminal Justice/Law Enforcement | Faculty | Richard | Campbell | 507-433-0576 | English | Faculty | Ricki | Walters | 507-279-4668 | English | Adjunct Faculty | Roger | Carlson | Customized Training | Customized Training Instructor - Fire | Roxanne | Holst | 507-433-0807 | English | Ruth | Stadheim | Supervisory Management | Faculty | Ryan | Steele | 507-320-2278 | Farm Business Management | Faculty | Sadredin | Moosavi | Science | Adjunct Faculty | Sandy | Roe | 507-433-0619 | Communications & Marketing | Web Developer | Sarah | Hartman | 507-433-0612 | Academic Affairs | Administrative Assistant | Sarah | Anderson | Nursing, Health & Wellness | Adjunct Faculty | Sarv | Mithaqiyan | 507-402-3158 | Communications & Marketing | Interactive Media Coordinator | Scott | Blankenbaker | 507-433-0547 | Music | Faculty | Scott | Koenigs | 507-433-0804 | Sociology | Faculty | Scott | Pierce | Business Administration | Faculty | Shailja | Verma | 507-379-3355 | Math | Faculty | Shanaya | Johnson | Customized Training | Customized Training - NA Actor | Shane | Skime | 507-433-0663 | Facilities | Building Utilities Mechanic | Shannon | Johnson | 507-379-3392 | Diesel Technology | Faculty | Shawn | Martin | 507-433-0815 | Technology and Learning Resources | Instructional Technology Coordinator | Shawn | Trueman | Earth Science | Faculty | Shelly | Bauer | Academic Affairs - Liberal Arts & Sciences | Concurrent Instructor Mentor | Shelly | Mehus | 433-0573 | Customized Training | Support & Communications Specialist | Sherry | Vietor | 507-379-3344 | Business Office | Faculty | Sonja | Sigler | Nursing | Faculty | Stephanie | Weckwerth | 507-379-3371 | Business Office | Account Clerk Senior | Sue | Knoll | 507-433-0833 | Biology | Faculty | Suhai | Boyer | 507-379-3328 | Student Affairs | Accessibility Services Specialist | Susan | Bender | 507-556-1551 | Economics | Faculty | Susan | Hansen | 507-433-0536 | Theatre | Adjunct Faculty | Susan | Radloff | 507-433-0389 | Music | Adjunct Faculty | Suzette | Overby | 507-433-0537 | Human Services | Faculty | Suzy | Hebrink | 507-433-0373 | Physical Education | Faculty | Tanya | Whitehouse | 507-433-0667 | Philosophy | Faculty | Taylor | Flugge | 507-433-0636 | Advising | Scholarship Coordinator | Theo | Beckmann | 507-433-0509 | Technology and Learning Resources | Management Analyst | Thomas | Andrist | 507-433-0810 | Technology and Learning Resources | Information Technology Specialist 3 | Tim | DeLaMater | Industrial Maintenance | Faculty | Timothy | Farmer | Customized Training | Instructor | Timothy | Olson | 507-433-0348 | Customized Training | Representative | Todd | Fjeldberg | 507-379-3315 | Business Office | Accounting Technician | Todd | Penske | 507-437-2001 | Academic Affairs | Adjunct Faculty | Tolga | Misirli | Academic Affairs - Liberal Arts & Sciences | Faculty | Tom | Anderson | 507-259-6269 | Farm Business Management | Faculty | Tom | Enfield | 507-433-0346 | Facilities | Groundskeeper | Tom | Fogal | 507-433-0608 | Truck Driving | Lab Assistant | Tom | Woodhouse | 507-433-0803 | History | Faculty | Traci | Nelson | 507-383-3225 | Farm Business Management | Faculty | Tyler | Amick | 507-433-0356 | Student Affairs | Learning Specialist - Reading and Writing | Tyler | Allis | 507-440-8464 | Truck Driving | CDL Navigator | Vicki | Kintop | 507-433-0645 | Radiography | Faculty | Virginia | Johanson | 507-433-0543 | Physics | Faculty | Wade | Detwiler | 507-433-0638 | Facilities | Facilities Services Supervisor | Wanda | McCoy | 507-433-0615 | Customized Training | Fire/EMS Training & Education | William | McCarthy | Facilities | General Maintenance Worker | Zach | Smith | 507-433-0632 | Carpentry | Faculty |