COVID-19 Testing Following the Holiday Weekend Advised

Release Date: November 30, 2020

Categories: Riverland News Area Media Stories

Last week, the Governor announced additional precautions to help stem the spread of the coronavirus. These restrictions are challenging  but has allowed Riverland and the other colleges and universities of Minnesota State the flexibility and latitude to work with faculty and staff to identify additional in-person classes that can be moved online, and where in-person classes must still occur to deploy even more stringent mitigation strategies. 

Minnesota State Chancelor Divinder Malhotra encouraged faculty, staff and students to "continue the hard work of social distancing by following the most updated guidelines from the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) – which suggests that people should not gather with others from outside their current household in the coming weeks... Doing so will keep you safe, keep your families, friends, coworkers, and classmates safe, and will allow all of us to successfully complete this semester." 

If you do choose to spend time with people outside of your household, MDH encourages you to get tested before and after – even if you aren’t exhibiting symptoms – since your risk of exposure to the coronavirus during this time of rampant community spread is very high. You can get tested at a Minnesota Department of Health Community Testing Site or by ordering an At-Home Saliva Test. 

Everyone visiting campus should do the daily Home Screening Assessment prior to visiting a campus location.