Getting into college after high school may be tough for some, but there's a program in Austin looking to make the transition easier.
It's called the R-STEP Academy. It's a free program for teens and young adults ages 16 to 22 to have an opportunity to prepare for college by taking college level math, writing and career exploration courses like STEM.
"The academy is designed for students who are pursing a college education or are beginning one but also want to learn more about the classes they're taking. That's what separates R-Step a part from a normal college experience," Nick Schiltz, a coordinator for R-STEP academy said.
Schiltz says the academy benefits first generation students who are facing barriers trying to get into college.
"It's fun to look back on our students and see them having success when they go back to their high schools or go off for a college education," Schiltz said.
The deadline to apply is coming up on April 16. If you would like to signup, visit this link.