Riverland hosts information session introducing Austin’s new elementary education bachelor’s degree option to students

Release Date: October 29, 2013


Riverland Community College will host an informational session featuring a new program partnership that enables college students to complete their bachelor’s degree in elementary education, all without leaving Austin.

Individuals interested in a future career teaching elementary students should attend the open house scheduled Wednesday, Oct. 30 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m., Room C123 at Riverland’s East Building on the Austin Campus.

Austin Public Schools (APS), Riverland Community College, and Winona State University (WSU) are working together to offer college students the opportunity to earn an Associate in Arts (AA.) degree through Riverland and a Bachelor of Science (BS) degree to teach Elementary Education through WSU, all without leaving the Austin community. Sumner Elementary School, the program site, is a culturally diverse school on a year-round calendar. In their work at Sumner, students will have the opportunity to interact with general and special education teachers, teachers for English Learners, a gifted and talented specialist, reading and math intervention teachers, a cultural liaison, and an instructional coach, all located in one setting. Students will arrange clinical experience during their first two years at Riverland and progressively more challenging placements during the second two years through WSU.

Representatives from all three partners will be available at the open house to introduce the program to interested students including Mary Davenport, Riverland’s vice president of academic and student affairs, Mindi Askelson, Riverland’s director of assessment, placement and K12 school relations, David Krenz, superintendent of Austin Public Schools, Sheila Berger, principal of Sumner Elementary School in Austin, John Alberts, director of educational services at Austin Public Schools, Carrie Brouse, assistant professor and co-director of Educations Innovations, Winona State University’s College of Education and Karen Dunbar, admission and advising director for Rochester ECSE, ELED and TPC programs. Sara Spavin and Jessica Schuster, two elementary education students in the Rochester program will be present to share their experience with a similar partnership that has served as model for the new program in Austin.

“This is a MnSCU community college and university joining forces with Austin Public Schools to create an outstanding opportunity for the area’s future elementary education teachers,” said Dr. Mary Davenport, Riverland’s vice president of academic and student affairs. “This partnership is a great example of how Riverland can work with our university colleagues and regional partners to fulfill the needs facing our communities with relevant programming for our students.”

Riverland offers a personalized educational environment with seasoned faculty and smaller class sizes that will help you accomplish your general educational goals using the methods that best serve the student’s learning style: Traditional classroom setting, online courses or a combination for added flexibility. Complete your AA degree with the electives you need to emphasize your teaching goals. Teacher candidates will have clinical experiences in one or more Austin area schools before their traditional student teaching begins. In addition, students will save an average of $1,000 on tuition costs for their first two years of the program.

WSU plans to deliver the second two years of this program in Austin. The College of Education at WSU has a rich history as a pioneer in teacher preparation and collaboration. This Elementary Education program is not only fully accredited by NCATE and the Minnesota Board of Teaching, but it is also newly redesigned to reflect the needs of 21st century learners. There will be a focus on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math), Ethnographers of Language, Global Studies, and Action Research. Along with these semester themes, there will be a sustained focus on data collection & interpretation, student development and clinical practice.