Riverland receives 2010 Excellence Awards for fiscal, facilities management

Release Date: April 19, 2011

Dr. Terry Leas, Riverland Community College president (center), presents Judy Enright, physical plant manager and Brad Doss, chief financial officer with their Awards of Excellence in facilities and financial management respectively. Leas presented the awards on behalf of Minnesota State Colleges and Universities.

Minnesota State Colleges and Universities recently announced awards recognizing leadership and team effort for excellence in financial and facilities management. Riverland Community College received two awards of excellence: Excellence in Financial Management and Excellence in Facilities Management.

The awards program, which began in 1997, publicly recognizes the outstanding contributions of the system’s college and university employees who work in finance and facilities management.

“We are proud that we have so many outstanding employees,” said Laura King, the system’s vice chancellor and chief financial officer. “With their leadership and the assistance of every employee at every Minnesota state college and university, tremendous progress continues in finance, facilities and administrative excellence.”

Excellence in Financial Management awards honor significant contributions to increased efficiency and effectiveness of finances and administrative services throughout the institution. Riverland has received this honor yearly since the awards began in 1997 save one year. Excellence in Facilities Management awards are given for successful and timely completion of capital improvement and repair projects, increased efficiency and effective space use throughout the institution and customer service excellence to students, staff and faculty. Riverland has won this award every year since 2001 when the facilities team first submitted an application for award consideration.

“During the last decade, Riverland has repeatedly been recognized for its outstanding and responsible financial management and facilities’ efficiencies,” said Riverland College President Terry Leas. “These awards validate our college’s efforts to be conscientious stewards with the limited public funds we receive.”