Riverland's SkillsUSA Chapter Receives Lowe's Grant for Community Service

Release Date: June 9, 2016

Categories: Riverland News Area Media Stories Foundation Media Release Minnesota State Colleges and Universities

Lowe’s and SkillsUSA to advance career and technical education

 through community improvement projects

Lowe’s has awarded a $22,260 grant to the SkillsUSA Chapter at Riverland Community College to help Austin homeowners in need.

Groundbreaking for the first SkillsUSA/Lowe's Handicap ramp at the home of Claudio Gormaz. Lowe's awarded $22,260 to Riverland's Austin SkillsUSA chapter to build six handicap ramps to households with family members in need of better access.

SkillsUSA students in the Austin Chapter will design, build and install six handicap ramps for homeowners in need as determined by Habitat for Humanity. The SkillsUSA chapter was one of 15 programs nationwide to receive a Lowe’s grant in amounts ranging from $5,000 to $25,000. The local school grants are designed to strengthen local communities as they provide enhanced learning opportunities for students. To apply for a grant, students completed a written application to detail their project, tell why it is important, how it will be conducted and the outcomes and benefits. Finalists were selected based on their proposal and supporting plans. These projects will improve schools and local communities while reinforcing the students’ career and technical educational experience through the practical use of their skills.

Lowe's--Owatonna and Habitat for Humanity representatives were present to show their support to Claudio Gormaz (top right), the homeowner who will receive the first handicap ramp. Gormaz has been diagnosed with ALS, a disease that gradually destroys the nerves responsible for muscle movement.

“Lowe’s is committed to strengthening the communities where we live and work,” said James Frison, director of community relations at Lowe’s. “We’re excited to partner with SkillsUSA and Riverland Community College to provide opportunities for students to apply their skills while giving back to their community.”

About SkillsUSA

SkillsUSA is a vital solution to the growing U.S. skills gap. This nonprofit partnership of students, instructors and industry ensures America has the skilled workforce it needs to stay competitive. Founded in 1965 and endorsed by the U.S. Department of Education, the association serves more than 300,000 member students and instructors each year in middle schools, high schools and colleges. This diverse talent pipeline covers 130 trade, technical and skilled service occupations, the majority STEM-related. More than 600 corporations, trade associations, businesses and labor unions actively support SkillsUSA at the national level. SkillsUSA programs are integrated into career and technical education through a framework of personal, workplace and technical skills grounded in academics. Local, state and national championships, designed and judged by industry, set relevant standards for career and technical education and provide needed recognition to its students. SkillsUSA also offers technical skill assessments and other workplace credentials. For more information, go to: www.SkillsUSA.org.


About Riverland Community College

Riverland Community College, a member of the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system, is a community college that has inspired personal success through education for 75 years. Approximately 4,900 students are served annually through a wide range of credit-based educational opportunities. An additional 5,400 students are annually served in non-credit courses. Campuses are located in Albert Lea, Austin and Owatonna, Minn. Riverland may be found on the Internet at www.riverland.edu.

About Lowe’s in the Community

Lowe’s, a FORTUNE® 50 home improvement company, has a 50-year legacy of supporting the communities it serves through programs that focus on K-12 public education and community improvement projects. Since 2007, Lowe’s and the Lowe’s Charitable and Educational Foundation together have contributed more than $250 million to these efforts, and for more than two decades Lowe’s Heroes employee volunteers have donated their time to make our communities better places to live. To learn more, visit Lowes.com/SocialResponsibility and LowesInTheCommunity.tumblr.com.