The Hormel Foundation offers all qualifying Austin seniors full scholarships

Release Date: June 22, 2018

Categories: Riverland News Area Media Stories Foundation Media Release Minnesota State Colleges and Universities


On Wednesday, The Hormel Foundation officially kicked off a program to offer all qualifying seniors from Austin public and private schools full scholarships to Riverland Community College.

The Austin Assurance Scholarship program, which has been in the works for more then four years, is designed to give students the opportunity to pursue post-secondary education by removing cost as a barrier.

“This is really going to be a game changer for our community,” says Riverland Community College president Adenuga Atewologun, “especially our students of lesser means and our immigrant populations.  They will really benefit.”

Seniors who meet the requirements and choose to attend Riverland Community College will receive a scholarship to cover tuition and fees as well as a stipend for textbooks.

“When young people and their families understand that this scholarship is available, it gives them hope and a light into the future that they might not otherwise have thought about,” says The Hormel Foundation secretary Steve Rizzi.  “It’s a great difference maker for Austin.  There isn’t any component in our society where education doesn’t make a difference, and by valuing and enhancing the ability to access a post-secondary education, we believe that we instill the belief that we can better ourselves as individuals with an education.”

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