Art Gallery

Current Art Gallery Show: Emily Quandahl Eiderdown

Artist:  Emily Quandahl

Title: Eiderdown

Show Dates: Monday, June 10 – Friday, July 26

Gallery Hours: M-F, 10 am – 6 pm

Artist Talk:  July 18, 2024, 1:00 PM Central Time

Meeting ID: 983 0383 5991

Passcode: 655751

Emily Quandahl is a painter and mixed-media artist based in Minneapolis. Her compositions utilize bold palettes and textures, starting intuitively on the floor with a base of diluted acrylics. From there, she draws from experience and impressions of her life through an abstract lens to build up layers until a balance is found. Eiderdown, is an homage to quilting, mending, and other aspects of feminine labor in the home.

The James Wegner Art Gallery provides an educational experience to students and the community by featuring exhibitions from regional, national, and international artists working in a variety of media.  

The gallery is located in the Austin East building just to the left of the Frank W. Bridges Theatre lobby. Gallery hours vary each semester. Please call 507-433-0600 for current information.

Domonique Venzant

Domonique Venzant

Art Instructor