Clay Transformed

Clay Transformed

Show Run:  January 10 - February 8, 2022
Gallery Hours:  10 am - 6 pm, M-F

Glencoe Ceramics is a group of artists fascinated with wood firing. Our kiln is a Japanese Anagama kiln named “Tandava” meaning “dance of fire.” Each wood firing is a communal activity: we cut wood, stack it, and load pots into the kiln. We take shifts during firing, which lasts three days and two nights. Wood firing is a natural process with random, accidental, and sometimes surprising effects. Flames beat music upon our pots and every pot is a poem, a song.

Participating Artists: Barb Bujold-Martinez, Kim Christopherson, Mike Egan, Pratibha Gupta, Jo-Anne Reske Kirkman, Jack Liebo, Zack McPherson, Lee Persell, and Dom Venzant

Artist Talk: Wed, Feb 16 @ 5 pm •