The art of Trace Beaulieu - "ONE MAN'S TRASH"

The pieces in this show represent work from the early 2000’s when I was living in Los Angeles. All the materials are found objects that happened to float into my life. I particularly like using expanded polystyrene (EPS) because it is free, abundant and very difficult to recycle.

Trace Beaulieu is a comic actor, writer and performer.

He was a founding member of the Emmy nominated, Peabody Award-winning, cult hit show MYSTERY SCIENCE THEATER 3000. In addition to writing, occasionally directing, designing and building sets and props. Trace performed the puppet character Crow T. Robot, and mad scientist Dr. Clayton Forrester. He repeated these roles in the 1995 film version of the show, MST3K: THE MOVIE.

Trace wrote for ABC’s America’s Funniest Videos for nine seasons. He played a recurring character on FREAKS AND GEEKS, and has had cameo appearances on THE WEST WING and ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT.

For six years, he toured with the original cast of MST3K in a live movie riffing show, called CINEMATIC TITANIC.

Trace is currently the voice of A.R.T. the robot on Paul Feig’s OTHER SPACE on Yahoo TV.

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