
Show Run:  March 7 - April 22, 2022
Gallery Hours:  10 am - 6 pm, M-F

The term "wallflower" was originally used to describe a shy woman at a dance waiting near a wall or off to the side. While the flowers in this exhibition are on the wall, they are far from dainty or delicate. Wallflower by Eileen Cohen celebrates feminine power and strength united under a single form. Cohen covers the walls with more than 500 flowers, investigating ideas of mass, movement, and unity as the form spans 80 feet. Individual flowers are lost in the whole yet together they create a sense of fluidity, motion, and beauty that commands the attention of those in the room. Wallflower encourages viewers to consider what is feminine and masculine and how these qualities support, balance, or oppose one another.

Artist Talk: TBD