Graduation Requirements

After you have registered for your final semester courses, run and review your Degree Audit in e-services
Here are instructions on how to run your Degree Audit.

You are eligible for graduation when:

  1. You have successfully fulfilled all of the program and graduation requirements for a certificate, diploma or associate degree.
  2. Your Degree Audit indicates either:
    This means your Degree Audit "runs clean"/complete.

    If the Degree Audit indicates: AT LEAST ONE REQUIREMENT HAS NOT BEEN SATISFIED, do not submit the graduation application. Contact your academic advisor to find out what you need to do to meet graduation requirements. 
    Applications will be denied if the Degree Audit does not "run clean"/complete.
  3. You meet the terms of the academic catalog in effect at the time of your first enrollment at Riverland.
    • Academic Catalogs expire after six years
    • If you are graduating more than six years after the date of your first enrollment, you must meet the requirements stated in the academic catalog in effect the year in which you graduate, unless an exception is authorized.

A minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.0 is required to graduate. 

You CANNOT be awarded a degree without:

  1. Confirming in your e-services that the Degree Audit for the program you intend to graduate with "runs clean"/complete.
  2. Having the program declared - if a Degree Audit does not automatically run, the program is not declared. Do not submit a graduation application.
    Submit a Change of Major form to declare the program.
    Once the Change of Major form has been processed (allow up to 48 business hours), run and review the Degree Audit to determine if you are ready to submit a graduation application for the program.
  3. Submitting an Application for Graduation. All students must apply to graduate - even if they do not intend to participate in the commencement ceremony
  4. Submitting a separate graduation application for each program you intend to graduate with and that the Degree Audit "runs clean"/complete on.