
Riverland Community College uses the following grading system and designated quality points for calculating a grade point average (GPA):

Letter Grade Quality point(s)
A 4.00
A- 3.67
B+ 3.33
B 3.00
B- 2.67
C+ 2.33
Letter Grade Quality point(s)
C 2.00
C- 1.67
D+ 1.33
D 1.00
D- 0.67
F 0.00




Awarded to students who complete the course but fail to achieve the course objectives or students who violate the college's academic integrity policy if the breach is deemed seriously enough to justify the sanction by the instructor and in accordance with the standards set forth in the syllabus. This grade counts in both credits attempted and earned and in the GPA.


Failure for non-attendance

The student did not attend a class or did not log in and participate in an online course. This grade does count in credits attempted but not in the GPA.


Failure to withdraw

Student started attending class or logged in and engaged in an online course but then displayed an extended period of absence or lack of online course participation, without communication with their instructor. This grade counts in the credits attempted but not in the GPA.


No Credit

This grade counts in credits attempted and earned, but not in the GPA.



This grade counts in credits attempted and earned, but not in the GPA.



Allows a student to register, pay and attend, but does not grant course credit. Audits are student initiated and must be declared within the first five days of the term. Audited courses do not count toward graduation and are not eligible for financial aid.



At the instructor's discretion, student who have been unable to complete course requirements due to unusual circumstances may receive an incomplete ("I"). No faculty member will assign a grade of "I" without a student first requesting the incomplete. Student must complete incomplete coursework within 20 school days of the semester after the incomplete is granted, not including summer session OR by the date stipulated by the granting faculty member (whichever date is earlier). If an incomplete is not resolved, a grade of F will be recorded on the student' s transcript. An incomplete received in a prerequisite subject must be satisfied before the student may take the advanced course unless permission is given by the instructor of the advanced course.



Withdrawals are student initiated and if requested prior to the posted deadline each semester will be granted regardless of the student's current grade in the class except in cases where an "F" has already been posted as a result of an Academic Misconduct Violation. This grade counts in credits attempted and earned, but not in the GPA.


Grades for class or classes that are currently in progress.

Transcripts reflect a student's educational progress at a college. Faculty members will communicate their course grading procedure in writing on the course syllabus.

The semester GPA (grade point average) reflects current semester grades. The cumulative GPA reflects all courses/grades to date.

Grade points are used to calculate the GPA. A grade point is a value given to the grade based on the number of credits the grade is worth.

For example:

  • Calculation of grade points for a grade of A in a four credit course:
    4 credits x 4 points (4 points for an A) = 16 grade points
  • Calculation of grade points for a grade of A in a two credit course:
    2 credits x 4 points (4 points for an A) = 8 grade points

The semester GPA is calculated by adding all the grade points for the semester and dividing by the number of credits for the semester.

The cumulative GPA is calculated by adding all the grade points for all the courses to date and dividing by the number of credits to date.