Transfer out from Riverland

Preparing for transfer out of Riverland

  • Call or visit your intended transfer college. You should obtain the following materials and information:
    • College Catalog
    • Transfer brochure
    • Information on admissions criteria and on materials required for admission (e.g. portfolio, transcripts, test scores). Note that some majors have limited enrollments or their own special requirements such as a higher grade point average.
    • Information on financial aid (how to apply and by what date)
  • After you have reviewed these materials, make an appointment to talk with an advisor/counselor in the college or program you want to enter. Be sure to ask about course transfer and admission criteria.

Applying for Transfer Admission

  • Application for admission is always the first step in transferring. Fill out the application as early as you can prior to the deadline. Pay the application fee if required
  • Request that official transcripts be sent from every institution you have attended. You might be required to provide a high school transcript or GED test scores as well.
  • Recheck to be certain you supplied the college or university with all the necessary paper work. Most colleges make no decision until all required documents are in your file.
  • After the college notifies you that you have been accepted for admission, your credits will be evaluated for transfer. A written evaluation should tell you which courses transferred and which did not.
  • If you have questions about your evaluation, call the office of admissions and ask to speak with a credit evaluator.

Your Rights as a transfer student

  • A clear, understandable statement of an institution's transfer policy.
  • A fair credit review and an explanation of why credits were or were not accepted.
  • A copy of the formal appeals process. Usual appeal steps are:
    • 1) Student fills out an appeals form. Supplemental information you provide to reviewers: a syllabus, course description, or reading list can help.
    • 2) Department or committee will review.
    • 3) Student receives, in writing, the outcome of the appeal.
    • 4) Student can appeal decision.
  • At your request, a review of your eligibility for financial aid or scholarships.

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Contact Information

Haley Bauer
Associate Registrar