World Language Certificates and Bilingual and Multilingual Seals

Minnesota districts and charter schools may award Minnesota bilingual and multilingual seals and world language proficiency certificates to high school graduates who demonstrate the required levels of language proficiency in speaking, writing, reading and listening for languages other than English, including American Sign Language (ASL) and American Indian (indigenous) languages in grades 10, 11, 12 regardless of how the language was learned. Bilingual and multilingual seals are awarded upon graduation. Refer to Minnesota State System Procedure 3.35.1 Credit for Prior Learning – External Assessments part 6

What are the benefits of earning a bilingual seal or a world language proficiency certificate?
Riverland Community College will award free college semester credits to graduating high school students who receive bilingual and multilingual seals and world language proficiency certificates. 

How many semesters will Riverland Community College award for seals and world language proficiently certificates?
The chart below shows the number of college semesters (not credits) earned for each award and the required proficiency level based on the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) Proficiency Guidelines.

How do I get my credit at Riverland Community College?
In order to receive credit, students shall submit their high school transcript with their bilingual seal or world language proficiency certificate listed on it. The certificate alone will not be accepted, it must be listed on the high school transcript. Students must request college credit within three academic years of graduation from high school and upon enrollment at Riverland Community College.

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Contact Information

Haley Bauer
Associate Registrar