Actions for Non-Payment

Riverland will take the following actions if students fail to make the required payments as outlined in the Payment & Refunds Policy. 


If a student fails to complete one of the Deposit/Downpayment options by the 5th business  day of the semester, their course registration will be cancelled.  The cancellation process will run at noon on the 6th business day of the semester. 

Payment in Full: 

Account balances, for the semester, need to be paid in full (or a Nelnet payment plan must be in place) by the 25th day of the semester. 

If a student fails to pay their account balance in full by the 25th business day of the semester (semester due date), the following will occur: 

The student will be sent a late fee notice email. 

A one-time late fee of $50 will be charged to the student’s account. 

Students with an account balance of $500 or more will have a registration hold placed on their records that will prevent them from being able to register for additional classes. 

Unpaid account balances will be referred to MN Department of Revenue (MDOR), for collections, 120 calendar days after the semester due date.