When I open the Address Book in Outlook, it shows the "Offline Global Address List." Can I change this to search my college address book only?
A feature of the MnSCU Office 365 Tenant is a "Global" address book - email addresses for everyone in the tenant.
The default Address Book is the "Offline Global Address List"
The offline address book reduces response time delays that would be created with a live connection to the Global Address List.
To eliminate the need to filter out the addresses not associated with your college/system office, change your default address book.
1. Open Outlook on your desktop.
2. Open the Address Book.
3. In the Address Book dialog window, choose Tools > Options.
4. In the Addressing window, click the selection list for "When opening the address book..." and select the "Employees" option for your college. This will be your default address book. Examples:
5. Click OK to save your new selection.
6. Recommended: Close Outlook completely. Open Outlook and the Address Book to verify your selection is now the default.