About Student Senate

What is Student Senate?

Each campus has a student governing body called the Student Senate. Senate representatives are elected in the fall and plan a variety of activities throughout the year. The Senate coordinates legislative activities that affect students and provide assistance to other campus organizations.

The role of the senators is to be the primary communication link between the administration and the student community. The Senate offers an opportunity to develop leadership, civic awareness, community involvement and basic understanding of human relations.

How can I join Student Senate?

Students in technical/occupational programs and students majoring in Liberal Arts or Undecided interested in serving as a senator must present a petition signed by 25 current Riverland students at the first Senate meeting.

Apply to be a Member!

What do Student Senators Do?

Student Senators represent the student body to the college administration and are asked to make decisions about important topics that directly impact students.

  • Student Senate Officers, along with the the Dean of Student Affairs and Business Manager, make up the Student Life Budget Committee which funds sports, activities, and even staff salaries.
  • Review new policy or procedure at Riverland Community College that impacts students.
  • Approve any new club or organization, or any new use of Student Life money.
  • Tuition and fees cannot be raised without consultation with the Student Senate.
  • Serve on campus committees such as Facilities Committee, Accreditation Committees, Parking Committee, ADA Compliance Task Force, Technology Fee Task Force, Campus Search Committees, and many more.
  • Senators accept leadership roles in campus scholarship fundraising activities, dignitary visits, recruiting events, and other campus-wide events.