Documentation Guidelines

All documentation must appear on letterhead and be typed, signed and dated, clearly stating the assessor’s name, title, and professional credentials.

Documentation must be current; no older than three years. If a student is 21 years old or older and has thorough and relevant documentation reflective of an adult level of performance, it may be accepted. Disabilities and the effects of disabilities that are subject to change will require recent documentation to verify current symptoms, functional level, and prognosis for accommodation changes.

Assessment procedures and instruments must be listed. Assessment procedures, evaluation instruments and a summary of the results used to make the diagnosis must be included.
An Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or a 504 Plan from a secondary school by itself does not provide adequate information for the provision of academic accommodations at the post-secondary level. The Evaluation Report, as described in Learning disabilities is acceptable.

  • Learning disability documentation needs to include assessment of aptitude, academic achievement, diagnosis, clinical summary, and recommendations. (This information is frequently found in a student’s most recent ‘Evaluation Report’. The Evaluation Report can easily be obtained from the student’s high school.)
  • Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) should be diagnosed with a comprehensive assessment that begins with the above mentioned criteria for learning disability. In addition, the evaluation may include tests that address attention, concentration, and impulse control. Education and behavioral history, developmental information, clinical observation, and medication trial will generally play an important role in the diagnosis. In situations where the assessment departs from this diagnostic model, the Accessibility Service Director reserves the right to evaluate the data on a case by case basis.
  • Psychiatric/Psychological disability documentation needs to clearly state a DSM-IV diagnosis on Axis I or II and must verify interference with a major life activity. The current symptoms and prognosis need to be identified with a summary of the functional implications of the diagnosis and impact of medication and/or treatment on educational functioning. Information must also include recommendations.
  • Physical disability documentation needs to clearly state the diagnosis and verify interference with a major life activity, affecting ability to participate in the education process. The symptoms, functional implications, and impact of medication and/or treatment on educational functioning, and recommendation should be included.

Submit documentation directly to the Accessibility Services Office.

Suhai Boyer

Suhai Boyer
Accessibility Services 

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