Full Text Databases (A-Z)

ACS Publications: American Chemical Society offers peer-reviewed journals in the chemical and related science fields and chemistry related information.

- Earth and Space Chemistry

- Environmental Science and Technology Letters

- Infectious Diseases

- Journal of the American Chemical Society

- Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry

- Journal of Chemical Education

American Antiquarian Society Historical Periodicals Collection: Comprehensive collection of American periodicals published between 16-84 and 1912; documenting the life of America's people from the Colonail era through the Civil War and Reconstruction.

- Series 1 (1684 - 1820)

- Series 2 (1821-1837)

- Series 3 (1838-1852)

- Series 4 (1853-1865)

- Series 5 (1866-1912)

Archive Grid: Searchable index of descriptions of archival collections that can be found in historical societies, churches, libraries and museums.

ArtStor: A digital library of approximately 750,000 images in the areas of art, architecture, the humanities, and social sciences.

Consumer Health Complete: Combination of full text evidence based reports, books, alternative treatment sources, videos and diagrams. 

Criminal Justice: Database of full text journals in the field of criminal justice and related issues.

Culturegrams: World, U.S. States and Kids edition of this online resource that includes information about cultures, statistics, maps, flags, recipes and other information about over 200 countries of the world.

EBSCO Academic Resources: Combines Academic Search Premier, MasterFILE Premier and EBSCO MegaFILE into a single search. Search help.

EBSCO Business Resources: Combines Business Source Premier, Regional Business News and Funk & Wagnalls encyclopedia into a single search.  Search help.

EBSCO Health Resources: Combination of Ebsco's Nursing/Academic edition, AltHealth Watch and HealthSource Consumer edition. Databases contain magazine, journals and books. Search help.

EBSCO Science Reference Center: Contains science encyclopedias, reference books, periodicals, and other sources covering the areas of biology, chemistry, environmental and life sciences. Search help.

Encyclopedia Britannica: Online version of the encyclopedia plus Merriam Webster dictionary & thesaurus, world atlas and a variety of other resources including images. Search help.  

ERIC: Database is designed for professional educators. Search help.

Films on Demand: This streaming video collection contains thousands of academic video titles covering a wide range of subject and topics.

Gale Nursing & Allied Health: Access to authoritative content including full-text titles cited in CINAHL supporting specialized care, treatment, and patient management.  Updated daily, this resource will help nursing professionals already working in the field, as well as students pursuing a nursing-focused curriculum. Exclusive features, including Topic Finder, InterLink, and a mobile-optimized interface, support and enhance the search experience.

Gale Nursing Resource Center: Database is designed for nursing students, it brings together disease and drug overviews, care plans, relevant journal results and animated anatomy and physiology diagrams. Search results are returned in tabs that correspond to steps in the nursing process. Search help.

Gale Professional Collection: Database of  journals covering all types of professions.

Gale Student Resources in Context: Database includes reference books, full text magazines and newspapers, documents and multimedia. Search help.

Global Road Warrior: Database is the world’s most extensive country-by-country resource for learning about culture, customs, history, and language worldwide.

Health Reference: Good source for images it also contains full-text information about conditions and diseases, mental health, health and wellness, and body systems and medical tests.

    Library Information Science & Technology Abstracts: An index to books and journals designed for librarians.  Coverage includes librarianship, classification, cataloging, bibliometrics, online information retrieval, information management and more.

    National New Play Network: The New Play Exchange ® (NPX) is the world's largest digital library of scripts by living writers. National New Play Network (NNPN) is an alliance of professional theaters that collaborate in innovative ways to develop, produce, and extend the life of new plays.

    Newsbank: A collection of diverse source types which include print and online-only newspapers, blogs, newswires, journals, broadcast transcripts and videos. Use it to explore a specific event or to compare a wide variety of viewpoints on topics such as politics, business, health, sports, cultural activities and people.

    • America's News Magazines: Search U.S. newspapers within the InfoWeb World     News database.
    • Access World News:   Find diverse global perspectives on topics related to controversial issues, the environment, health, education, science, the arts, literature, business, economics, criminal justice and more from a variety of current and retrospective news media including journals, newspapers, newswires, broadcast transcripts, blogs, videos and web-only content.
    • Access Business News:  Over 1,000 business and trade journals from around the U.S. and around the world. Updated daily.

         Tutorials for Newsbank America's News Magazines and Access World News:

    Points of View: Similar to CQ Researcher, explores single issues in the news in depth each week. Topics, both national and international, range from social and teen issues to environment, health, education, science and technology. 

    Pop Culture: This database focuses on American and worldwide popular culture, past and present.  To print an article use the print link located on the right hand side of the page.

    ProQuest Newsstream: National, international and local newspapers are included on this database. Many full text articles from the Minneapolis Star Tribune, New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times and the Wall Street Journal are available. Search help.

    Proquest Nursing & Allied Health Journals: Contains healthcare information, much in full text, covering nursing, allied health, alternative and complementary medicine, consumer health, and more.

    Full Text Nursing Journal Titles